SEPTEMBER 27, 2024 

By: Bill Watson

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Sealed Indictments Are Beginning To Open


For those of you that may not know about this fact, there are now over 450,000 Sealed Indictments, just in the USA. I remember some years ago in a sermon I mentioned there were, I think at that time, over 100,000 Sealed Indictments. But, interestingly and shockingly, the list has now grown in excess of over 450,000 Sealed Indictments! It’s unbelievable!!


These Sealed Indictments have been opening up on a regular basis over the last few years. Many have been opened and are now moving ahead in the form of court hearings and actual charges being brought against those named in the Indictments. Keep in mind also, there can be multiple individuals that can be included in any Indictment. So, the current number of Sealed Indictments is not necessarily representative of the actual amount of individuals they represent.


For instance, in the P. Diddy sealed  Indictment (see link below for complete indictment) that was recently opened and executed, resulting in P. Diddy’s arrest; it included a Racketeering charge among the sex trafficking, prostitution, and kidnapping charges. However, this Racketeering charged disclosed he had an “Enterprise” that was designed and managed by a staff of people and employees to facilitate and arrange for the travel of victims and sex workers, hotel rooms, stocked with drugs, baby oil, and an array of lubricants and extra linens, guns and ammo. These associates of P. Diddy’s are also going to be investigated as ancillary individuals that participated, conspired, and may be culpable to a degree, of helping to plan and conduct this abusively criminal business enterprise.


The “known fact” that P.Diddy video’d his visitors, victims, and friends engaging in sex acts, sometimes without their knowledge, gave him leverage to exert control over certain individuals for selfish-gain and his own protection. He also used private recordings that he made during his “Freak- Offs” parties as collateral to ensure obedience and /or silence from his victims. His arrest has resulted in dozens of victims and witnesses coming forward, providing detailed and credible and corroborated information that confirm many of P.Diddy’s actions are indeed, real and seriously unconscionable!


In the recent days after his arrest and incarceration, law-inforcement has conducted interview after interview, about 50 or so since his capture, and the numbers are growing along with a major amount of resignations of important and well known people throughout the entertainment, business, finance, and political communities. (Ref. Blog, dated:9-20-24)


So, in the coming weeks there will be more developments about “who’s, who” with the P.Diddy scandal; and time will tell as to just what kind of people these people are, who attended his “freak offs, ” and are caught “embarrassingly compromised," by means of the video they may be on! Stay tuned, we should find out shortly as to who was involved with victimizing so many of those innocently, and not so innocently, attending those parties!



By: Bill Watson

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Pastors Are Being Censored Unknowingly

I recently read an article by Caroline Woods (attached below) that was rather interesting, especially since I have been accused of being “political” more times than I can count. There are people today that think the pulpit should be exclusively reserved to address the Bible and only the Bible. They claim, to use the pulpit to address social issues, underscored by the Bible, is wrong and is out of order. That those pastors, should simply remain on point and only speak on Christian Living––stay away from social issues! But, is this true?

 Interestingly, American history is full of “lightening-rod” speakers that “lit up” the people of America to rise above the social morass and enjoy a revival of attachment to Christ and our Father. Keep in mind, those who shrink back in “cowardice” from addressing the issue’s of our day forget; it’s not the Church that has become political, but rather, politics has become more excessive in violating our religion and God’s Church needs to stand firm and show our people their sins (Isa 58:1). 

 Clearly, the “Black Robs” of the revolutionary war that were instrumental in motivating the men of the revolution to fight for their freedom and liberty of separation from Great Britain were a courageous bunch! The thundering preachers of the Great Awakening of the 18th century, like George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and Thomas Prince were of the same breed. In the 19th Century was the 2nd Great Awakening, lead by some of the most courageous men of that time; men like James McGrady, John McGee, and Barton Stone. Later on, in the late 19th century men like Dwight L. Moody and Charles Finney, lead the way for the 20th century revivalists such as Reuben Torrey, Billy Sunday and later on Billy Graham.

 These were men that spoke to the issues of the day. They wrote books that articulated the down side of how the Social Issues negatively influenced the affects of our Christian culture and spoke to those issues.

 As we know, this lead to the LBJ amendment (passed in 1954) that attempted to limit these alleged “political” topics by the government threatening to cancel the tax exempt status of the churches; and sadly, to the shame of some Christian Churches they fell for it and attempted to censor their pastors to stay away from speaking out to the sins of the nation and the leaders of those nations.

 Look, Jesus was not afraid to speak to the issues of His day. He over-threw tables in the Temple, called the Pharisees vipers, hypocrites, and blind guides. He minced no words–-even to the point of calling Herod a fox––meaning; he was cunning, sly, and unclean! 

 At this time, above all other times, Christians need to be Brave, Bold, and Courageous. As was William Wilberforce who led the movement against the slave trade in England; or, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor and theologian who stood up against the Nazi regime’s atrocities of the day! These are the kind of examples of Christian Courage that God’s Church needs to see and rise to the occasion; because if we don’t, who will be the “Wall-Watchers” of our nation?



By: Bill Watson

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P. Diddy––Busted; and Hollywood is cringing.

As many of us know, Sean “Diddy” Combs (a.k.a.-P. Diddy) has been arrested and indicted with sex trafficking, prostitution, kidnapping, bribery, obstruction of justice, and racketeering charges. This “secret Indictment,” which is just one, of hundred of thousands still remaining, has opened up a “can of worms.” This event has the size and scope of becoming another version of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, except with one major difference; Jeffrey Epstein had an attraction for women and under-aged girls, whereas P. Diddy seems to have a penchant for men and under-aged boys.

The potential of this event “escalating in disclosures” of many very rich, popular, and well-respected leaders in the field of business, music, sports, entertainment, and politics is palpable! This indictment has “implications” of incriminating many successful entertainers, business leaders, and politicians by revealing their very horrifically sick and perverse activities that were secretly filmed with adults and children––some so young that they are considered toddlers!

Lebron James is quoted as saying; “Hey, everybody know, ain’t no party like a Diddy party” –– and he would know––since he is also “suspected by association” as an attendee to these drug-fueled “Freak off” orgy parties with underaged women. The debauchery that took place was unbelievable and everything was filmed from different angles that seemed impossible for a camera to be placed. In some of the footage you can hear P. Diddy saying nefarious comments to a young Justin Bieber; or in 2016 Howard Stern interviewed Usher who revealed unsettling and disturbing details about P. Diddy when living with him at age 14. But this is how P. Diddy controlled, coerced, and manipulated many of the high profile individuals he interacted with.

His circle of friends include popular names like Will Smith, Ashton Kutcher and Cuba Gooding Jr. Demi Moore, and these are just a few of the many names on his list he had relationships with and/or business partnerships,––like billionaire investor Ron Burkle and hedge fund manager, Ray Dalio. Even Mark Wahlberg partnered with Diddy to launch a drinking water brand. And that’s not all––Barack Obama was known to “hang” with Diddy after leaving the Presidency.

This has also led to a rash of resignations by many business leaders that may have had some association with P. Diddy––all within a 24 hour period (Link below for additional information by CNN). Men like, Kevin Liles (Music executive), Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts), Robert B. Davis (G.M. of Martha’s Vineyard), to mention a few. And clearly, if they are “performing” on any of these “Black-Mail” video’s, it’s understandable they would want to take opportunity for an early retirement and disappear into the “wood-work.” Frankly, more than half of Hollywood is probably “sweating bullets,” knowing they might be on one or more of those movie videos.

Look, everyone knows, “caged birds” will sing and often times that will attract more attention and in this case, we hope; more caged birds! So, we will see if he survives while in jail because coincidently, he is in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center, which housed Jeffery Epstein and his partner, Ghislaine Maxwell. So, stay tuned, as this ongoing saga continues to unfold with additional disclosures of P. Diddy’s abusive perverted lifestyle and perhaps, enormous career destroying embarrassment, for those participants, in this evil and depraved degeneracy!



By: Bill Watson

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Presidential Candidate Trump

targeted again for assassination!!


Just yesterday, on September 15th, 2024, a few months from the assassination attempt in Butler P.A., Former President Trump was targeted again for assassination. Shots rang out on the golf course in Florida, where Candidate Trump was playing a round of golf.

Apparently, a Mr. Ryan Wesley Routh, 58 years old, originally from North Caroline, but presently living in Hawaii, is currently an active American mercenary who is committed to fighting with the Ukrainian army’s resistance to Russia’s invasion. In an interview conducted in 2022 for Newsweek, we gain some insight by his he admission he was involved in some combat and recruiting soldiers to help with the Ukrainian resistance against Russia.

 In this interview he mentions how disappointed he is that more people are not motivated to help Ukraine with their struggle against the Russians. He is aggressively compelled to help Ukraine in its war and is extremely frustrated more people are not recognizing what he believes to be Russian expansionism.

 With the knowledge of Candidate Trump’s “policy position” of peace for the area, Routh, now suspected of attempting to assassinate Candidate Trump, was concerned if Trump wins the election, the possibility of a peace accord may be achieved––which is something he does not want to see happen. Mr. Routh firmly believes what is happening in Ukraine is a war against evil. For him it’s obviously black and white––democracy is at stake––and Russia is threatening to destroy that democracy!

 In his mind, there is no question about what needs to be done––Russia needs to be stopped––he admits, this to be the most important thing in the world. He cannot understand why more people are not responding to volunteer to fight and support the Ukrainians!

 The interview link below will help you understand where his mind is and why he may have been motivated to attempt to take former President Trump out. It becomes apparent that because his passion is so great and is not shared by thousands of others; he is enormously frustrated and disappointed over this lack of people, in his opinion, just selfishly going about their lives, rather than being compelled to help Ukraine fight Russia.

 This is quite an interesting interview and may provide some understanding as to why he thought assassinating Former President Trump was necessary for accomplishing his mission to stop Russia’s advances into Ukraine. However, it appears to be clear, Mr. Routh does not want peace in that theater of war––instead, he wants a world war!