
by: Bill Watson

 Direct Comments to:

It’s been said, if you put a bunch of black ants in a jar with a bunch of red ants, nothing will happen. They actually seem to get along. However, if you shake the jar robustly and dump them back onto the ground they will all fight to the death! Why do you think that is?

The theory is, after the “shake-up” the ants think the other is their enemy, when in fact it was the one that shook the jar! And in today’s world, there appears to be a “whole lot of shaken going on” as Jerry Lee Lewis would say, while playing his piano! 

We have the liberals against the conservatives, blacks against whites, the pro-mask against the anti-mask people, pro-vax against anti-vax, non-binary against the binary, poor against the rich, heterosexuals against the homosexuals, and of course men against women. Additionally, geopolitically, Russia is against Ukraine, Iran against Israel and the USA; and China is also against the USA, and of course Israel is against the Palestinians.

Sad, but true! We are living in very dynamic times surrounded by many driving forces of change. “Shifts” are blowing in the wind. And different results are bound to occur since efforts to challenge the status quo are being conducted, disrupting the orthodoxy! The most recent State of the Union plainly address’s this! And many are asking, where is all this leading too?

Recently, President Trump held a meeting with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine at the White House. Due to the disruptive discourse that played out publicly, President Trump made a very serious and disturbing comment to the President of Ukraine. He cautioned and warned President Zelenskyy he is playing with WW - 3 !! This is a horrific thought when considering both the USA and Russia are armed to the “hilt” with nuclear weapons. But, like it or not, this is the reality modern day, 21st mankind is facing. The stakes couldn’t be higher and more jeopardizing! Yes, the “jar” is being “shook” by many forces and spiritual beings in high places.

Yet, we are told not to be troubled as we witness these shifting sands and platelet moves over the landscape of the geopolitical stage. Notice: “And when you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not troubled for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in different places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginning of sorrows” (pains) [Mark. 13:7-8]. So, we’re being told expect disruption, disasters, sorrow and suffering.

Most don’t recognize this, but the USA is a “Providential Birth-right Nation” as is the United Kingdom (Gen 48:19-20). However, these nations are destined to be corrected by God due to their transgressions––it’s called “Jacob’s trouble.” God speaks plainly through the prophet Jeremiah that He [God], is not please with the “Birth-right Nations” labeled “Israel.” He fully intends NOT to make a full end of them, but will correct them––these cultures––“in measure.” Notice: “For I am with you, says the Lord, to save you: …yet will I not make a full end of you: but I WILL CORRECT you in measure (the Birth-right nations), and will not leave you altogether unpunished” (Jer. 30:11). 

Jeremiah continues: “…your bruise is incurable and your wound is grievous. There is none to plead you cause, …you have no healing medicines. All your lovers (allies) have forgotten you; they seek you not; for I (God) have wounded you with the wound of an enemy (invasion), with the chastisement of a cruel one (a vicious enemy), [why?] for the multitude of your iniquity; because your sins were increased” (Jer. 30:12-14).

What we see described is the “sunset” of their national existence, the Birth-right Nations will collapse. It appears it will be a violent end to their national influence. This also indicates at some point there will be an international trend toward dis-favoring these “Providential” nations and their allies (lovers) will distance themselves from them.

President Trump is beginning to disrupt the status quo. He is causing international tension and controversy by re-structuring the foreign policy of the United States, cleaning up wasteful government spending, and political corruption. This is causing political re-alignments “within” the USA as well as relationships of nations “outside” of the USA––creating very strange “bed fellows” around the world. Nations that were thought to be enemies seem to be actually lining up along different lines of allegiance. And potential changes may cause different results.

For instance, if the United States backs out of NATO this will immediately cause the European Union (E.U.) to develop a much stronger military, forcing them to take responsibility to defend themselves. Obviously, this could be the fall-out of this “America First” policy that is “center stage” presently, in the USA. But, a “re-armed European Union,” headed up by Germany and France, could present a whole new set of circumstances that may not be so friendly toward the USA as they grow in “military strength.” Currently, even the United Kingdom seems to be leaning toward siding with the E.U.––sharing in their position with Ukraine’s pro-war stance,rather than trying to drive them to negotiate with Russia, as the USA would prefer.

As we move into the future and the USA begins to pull back it’s “gravy train” foreign policy, and commences eliminating and/or reducing subsidies for foreign programs outside of the USA; it will be interesting to see just how these allies align with each other. The United States has been such a source of revenue over decades for so many nations around the world, for all types of foreign aid––that removing it, is bound to affect the USA’s relationships with those nations. And at some point, the growing disfavor will lead to abandonment, causing existential jeopardy and harm to the United States. Yes, the “jar” is being shaken by many conditions and sources!

There may be some short term benefits to an “America First” policy that may be beneficial to the country and its people, but ultimately, if pulling back on foreign subsidy revenue hampers the USA’s influence––well then, the long term risk, may lead to resentment and finally, collapse. 

The warning to all Americans is prepare yourselves for some major changes––shifts––in areas that would seem far-reaching just a few years ago, but because of the technologies available and creative ideas being explored, may be surprisingly attainable. Areas that may be affected for “redefining” may be taxes, prices, currencies, and yes, even some government departments like the IRS, the Federal Reserve, CIA, even the military. Corporations, in the technology industry, pharmaceuticals, food production, and the power segment, could all be modified due to de-regulations, and new regulations and laws that will be passed.   

Admittedly, it is rather exciting to see these major movements disrupting the status quo, causing potential “resets” of national and international stability. But, these adjustments could result in new government operations “within” the USA, which will cause new alignments, politically, “within” the USA and foreign nations. For better, or worse, we are in for quite a ride over the next few years and it’s not without its threatening risks, dangers, and “shake-ups!” 

Prophetically, Manasseh (USA) may yet reach higher levels of enriched wealth from its land, technology and people, but sadly prosperity has only lead cultures and nations away from God––its been the legacy of mankind’s societal patterns. So, be prepared for a time “when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them” (1 Thess. 5:1-4). Remember, as a nation and people of God, the only security we have is to turn back to Him. 

That is where our “place of safety” is; and our protection is assured!!



 by: Bill Watson

 Direct Comments to:


In the last chapter of first Thessalonians Paul instructs us about a few line items. He mentions to rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, don’t quench the spirit, and don’t despise prophesying, prove all things, and hold fast that which is good. But then he comes to this last point of advice: “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thess. 5:16-22).

Now this is an important consideration. Especially, since we live in such an evil time and are surrounded by so much nefarious activity. This Greek word translated into “abstain” means to hold oneself off, to refrain, be distant, or to keep yourself away. Clearly, Paul is telling us to keep your distance and stay away from anything that “looks” (the appearance) like evil. Now why do you think this would be important to a “Christian” person?

To answer this question is to know your purpose as a Christian. For some of us, this is a hard  thing to do because we don’t take our “Christian purpose” seriously. Consider Paul’s perspective on what it means to be a Christian. “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be you reconciled to God” (2 Cor. 5:20). Grasping this concept is vital to our motivation as Christians. If we understand the gravity of what it means to be an “ambassador for Christ,” then, and only then, can we appreciate  “he has made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Cor. 5:21).

Do we even know what that means? The scope of this relationship we have––that He should take on our sin so that we may acquire the righteousness of God through Him––is amazingly awesome and hard to wrap our minds around the enormous value of this blessing. Clearly, knowing this responsibility––that of representing this Being here, on earth, in this present time of our lives––should present all of us that claim the name of Jesus Christ as our Savior, inspiration to protect the image we portray in our  attitudes and lifestyles.

Undoubtably, this is exactly what Paul was getting at. His focus on “protecting” the reputation of Jesus Christ, obviously concerns itself with how we, who claimed to be followers of Him, would display the kind of behavior and/or lifestyle that would appropriately reflect His values, standards, and attributes. This is why Paul appealed to stay away from, distance yourself from, or abstain from even the (Grk) “eidos”––the look, fashion, sight. or shape of evil. To just be connected with the appearance of evil was unacceptable, as far as Paul was concerned! 

So, how does this apply to the 21st century Christian? What is it we should be aware of so we don’t get caught up in something that could be disparaging to the ambassadorship we represent?

As an example, former President Biden granted pardons to his siblings, spouses and his son gong back to 2014. Why, we may ask? The very nature of an action like this implies there was “evil” involved, otherwise, what is the purpose of the insurance of a pardon? Especially, since there has been no formal charge of any wrong doing? 

However, the House Oversight Committee has produced documents with Bank memoranda, outlining payments to the Biden family from foreign entities such as Romania, China, Ukraine and Russia that totaled some $20 million dollars. This is unacceptable  “if”  our leaders are using their public service office to enrich themselves. 

And that’s the problem, because we just don’t know. It “appears” there could be evil here by the circumstances that exist, due to the fact the Biden family has no expertise in the areas that allegedly they were being paid for, from these companies––other than positions of political influence. This is a perfect example of allowing yourself, while in a position of trust, to be involved with activity that “appears” to be suspect. 

This example illustrates the bigger application of the appearance of “compromise.” As Christians, this is the risk we carry throughout our lives. We must “abstain,” stay away from, distance ourselves from the appearance of compromise. If we are viewed to be compromised we run the risk of forfeiting the trust with those we love, work with, and/or depend on. And therein lies, or at least should be, the objective of every Christian––distance yourself from compromising situations, circumstances, and conditions. Do your best to stay away from anything that might be viewed as disparaging the reputation of what Jesus Christ represents. And that would include fashion, piercings, marking our bodies, career opportunities, friendships––anything that may distract from, or be interpreted as risqué, and discredit, or depreciate and defame “Christ in us.” These are some of the things to watch out for!

Another perfect example of fleeing the “appearance” of evil was the way Joseph handled Mary after he realized she was pregnant (with Jesus), while espoused to him. He was a just and good man and was concerned about Mary’s reputation––he wanted to protect her from any ridicule, criticism, and perhaps even death, for committing, what he thought to be, a sexual impropriety. He knew this “appeared” to be an evil act, until of course, he was set straight by the angel that explained to him in a dream, just what was really going on (Matt. 1:18-25).

Yes, when considering abstaining from the appearance of evil, we should also keep in mind the reputations of those that may be affected by the event we involve them in as well. Especially, when considering women and children. In the ministry we always recommend to have another person with a minister when counseling a women, child, or in some cases, an elderly person. For the protection of those involved, it’s important to keep everything “above board and in the open”––transparent––to minimize and/or eliminate any gossip, or unnecessary accusations that might give cause to rumors about those involved.

Yes, Paul’s advice about abstaining, distancing yourself from the appearance of evil, is extremely good advice for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, relationships, and environments at work, school, or at church. It protects us from many awkward situations and temptations that may just lead us to compromising the values, standards, and character of Christ in us (Col. 1:25-29). And that is something we need to protect ourselves from doing.


For additional insight


You may want to consider downloading our reprint article:  

How To Be A Real Christian



by: Bill Watson

 Direct Comments to:


Discussions and growing economic forces are becoming more serious as the years go by––Digital IDS is intended to be mandated if you expect to participate in the social order. The time seems to be “creeping” upon us that will require all citizens to be identifiable via digital means by the government. Bill Gates and his Melinda Gates Foundation has partnered with the Rockefeller Foundation to accelerate a digital ID payment program with data sharing rollouts in fifty countries. That’s right––50 countries! And Gates has already had an audience with President Trump!


This is all being done under the umbrella of a Digital Public Infrastructure” (DPI) with a goal of having it in place by 2028. Its called the 50-in-5 campaign, which is an agenda concocted by a group of unelected globalists to expedite technocratic control through the use of digital ID, CBDC [Central Bank Digital Currency] and an enormous data sharing platform. The United Nations, as is the IMF, are also involved, giving their full support.

This “structured process” is designed to secure and inter-operate a network of components that include digital payments (cashless), Digital ID’s, and data exchange, or sharing systems for tracking. This will all be essential for participating in the commerce of the social order that this new, upcoming digital era, will require.

It’s being promoted as the next best thing since “slice bread and Chevrolet.” This propagation has already started as far back as November 8th, 2023 with a VIRTUAL launch of the program. They have been testing it since then, working out the glitches for a smooth transition to REAL TIME by 2028. 

The “propaganda” goes along the lines of promoting it for “financial inclusion, convenience, improved healthcare, and green progress. DPI is an all inclusive phrase applied to a looming technocratic governance system powered by three foundational components: digital ID, digital payments like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) [cashless transactions], and massive data sharing.” {Ref. The Sociable}

India’s experience with DPI spotlights its transformative potential. Consider the fact that eight billion transactions, worth about $200 billion dollars was exchanged, involving about 300 million people that included 50 million merchants. This is an incredible accomplishment for a country that conducted 90% of all transactions in cash a few years ago. So, this process has already begun, making some real practical money saving progress.

 All this goes to show there is a “legitimate push” to advance a transition to a fully digital system. The current USA President, Donald Trump is also very “pro-crypto!” Though Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are questionable as to their longevity, the potential of crypto currencies illustrate the principle of how a digitized currency would work. Obviously, in due time with the idea of Central Banking Digital Currencies, it would appear this is how a “central control system” could occur. But, here’s the point: the technology is here and how it completely manifests remains to be seen.

However, in Revelation we are told: “And he (Beast and False Prophet) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive (deliver) a mark (etching, scratch, stamp), in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark (etching, scratch, stamp), or the number of his name” (Rev. 13:16-17). 

The technology that is coming that will generate these results, will be necessary to have if you want to buy, or sell things. If you intend to participate in the commerce of the hegemony this etching, scratch, or stamp will be mandated for you to have. Without it you will not be able to function within the society at large.

And yet, God is adamant for all those that want to be in His kingdom, “not” to receive this etching. Notice: “…If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indication; and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark [the etching, stamp, or scratch] of his name” (Rev. 14:9-11).

So, going forward it is critical we stay vigilant about the development of these technologies and legislation that will most certainly come to fruition in the future, as we move closer to a digital and cashless society. Because a lot of this will affect us personally, as it becomes part of the globalist’s protocols of life, around the world.


Below, is a sermon link that will expand on this blog and provide additional perspective on this subject. Take some time to watch it.




by: Jeff Flanick


 Direct Comments to:

“A Penny for Your Thoughts;” that was the original name for the title of this blog. But, then  another idea came to mind that I liked just as well. So, I flipped a coin, a penny to be exact, to see which one to use––and the above title is what came up. So, you may ask: what is so important about a penny?

Well, President Trump has decided to decree our former copper friend––the penny––D.O.A. Now at first glance, this idea sounds like another victory for D.O.G.E. and the new administration’s mandate to slash spending and waste. It’s understood to cost about $.037 cents to make a “pennycoin” these days. To the casual observer, it seems plainly obvious to stop making coins that don’t really buy anything of value, right? Like with any manufactured product––who can stay in business making a product that costs 73 % more than its value, as soon as it’s produced? But clearly, this is a myopic view of the problem. 

The REAL problem is the tidal wave of erosion against the U.S. dollar since the Federal Reserve surreptitiously came to power in 1913. The dollar has “hemorrhaged” approximately 95 percent of its purchasing power over the last 112 years. A jaw-dropping graph illustrating the dollar’s demise is available at the link below (Take a look at it when you can).

Keep in mind, 97.5% of the copper content in a penny was removed in 1982. In addition, the dollar lost so much value against real, tangible things like oil, wood, and metal, that even watered-down zinc-filled “copper-colored" pennies are too expensive to make. First, they took silver out of our coins, beginning in 1964. Next, Former President, Richard Nixon removed the gold backing of the dollar from International trade in 1971. Gold was near $40 an ounce back then. It is currently approaching $3,000 per ounce as I write this article. Gold, Silver, and Copper have not changed; the U.S. Dollar has changed––its “devolved !”

The cause of the dollar's demise goes deeper than simple economics, though: the values of the people have changed. Everyone wants something for nothing. As one of the blogs I used to read says, “Who knew printing money was the secret to effortless wealth?” GUESS WHAT? It’s not! Remember, the Roman empire crumbled and fell as the debasement of its coinage accelerated. Nero removed silver (value) from Rome’s coins too. 

The “road to hell” is paved with good intentions. Trump’s war against the penny is simply small change (no pun intended!). Inflation is the REAL monster under the bed of your savings. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon which is strictly correlated to the printing of money, (caused by government overspending.) The USA has been overspending like drunken sailors, and it’s only getting worse as the years proceed. The few cents saved on the production of pennies isa “drop in the bucket” when comparing to the USA’s excessive over-spending of the military, domestic, and foreign aid budgets. Frankly, that’s comparable to taking just a few tanker trucks of water out of the ocean––it’s hardly noticeable! Though well-intentioned, this “misdirection of priorities” is the equivalent of a magician pulling a few pennies out from behind your ears to give back to you, while simultaneously, stealing your wallet from your back pocket. 

So, with that said, when thinking pragmatically about this, if an item costs $9.97; will the new price at $9.95, or $10.00 actually save us any money? Do you really think thats hard to answer? Sadly instead, these “mystical cents” will go from the middle-class, right to the business elites,via billions of ‘inconsequential’ transactions per year. 

However, on a more serious note: could the extinction of the penny be just one small step on the way toward the elimination of cash? CBDC, the abbreviation for the “Central Bank Digital Currency,” will usher in a (tyrannical ?) system of digital control––“cashless is the intent!” So, why stop at the piggy bank’s best friend, the penny––could the nickel be next? I read recently, it takes over $0.14 cents to make a nickel! Hmmmm––makes you wonder, doesn’t it….?

Remember, there was a reason the Founding Fathers incorporated a gold and silver standard into the U.S. Constitution in Article 1, Section 10. Does anyone remember the saying: “Not Worth a Continental?” During the Revolutionary War, the use of unbacked paper money” drove up prices, ruined the economy, and nearly caused the American Colonies to lose the war to the British––and that’s history!

Our heavenly Father has this to say concerning commerce: Deuteronomy 25:15-16, “You must maintain accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. For everyone who behaves dishonestly in regard to these things is detestable to the LORD your God.”


Take a moment, read the link and take note of how much the dollar has fallen in value.



by: Bill Watson

 Direct Comments to:


In the beginning of the Church, back some 2000 years ago, there was an awful lot of controversy surrounding this “Alien visitor” from another dimension of time and space. He was quite the disrupter of the status quo and caused a lot of questions with regard as to who this “Jesus” really was. Some even thought He was a prophet reincarnated from the dead to redress the times in which they lived. 


Out of this visitation many controversies and debates emerged causing an enormous amount of “flurry” about His claims to be the Son of God. This spawned numerous heresies about His nature and just how could He be God’s Son and human at the same time. It was hard to wrap your mind around this–-it was a real conundrum and went on for about 600 years!! Nothing like this ever happened before at this level. So, many of the religious leaders began attempting to rationalize just how this could be, or couldn’t be.


Some of these historical heresies were quite different from each other and had many names like Adoptionism that denied Christ’s pre-existence. Docetism, which was advanced by the gnostics, claiming Christ only “seemed” to have a body, but it wasn’t real. At best it was an illusion! Then there was Apollinarianism. The teaching that denied the true and complete humanity of Jesus. He was completely Divine thereby putting Him above us humans. Arianism was another, and Nestorianism in the 5th century and Monothelitism in the 7th century. It just seemed to go on and on and on––the religious leaders just couldn’t leave it alone!


But, what does the Bible say? Is Christ’s nature provable––was it Divine or not, while He was human? What do the scriptures say concerning His nature? Interestingly, the Bible is very clear about Jesus’ nature. The truth is embedded in the stories surrounding His ministry and the details in the circumstances He contended with, plainly illustrates His nature. Unfortunately, much of those details were ignored in those early years.


However, right from the start Mary was made aware something special was going on in her womb. Gabriel explained, God’s Holy Spirit was to impregnate her and she would bring forth a baby that would be considered the Son of God (Luke 1:26-35). Later, Joseph was told His name would be Immanuel (God with us) [Matt. 1:23]. And by the time Jesus was 12 years old He already knew He needed to be “about my Fathers business” (Luke 2:49). He knew He had a responsibility to the Father, proving His nature was all about doing a Divine work!! He was here on a “Divine Mission” and had no doubt about His purpose, objectives, and where He was from!


We must keep in mind, Jesus pre-existed, had visited Earth on many occasion as recorded in the Old Testament. He walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden, had lunch with Abraham and enjoyed a very close relationship with Moses. He wrestled with Jacob and provided protection to Daniel’s three friends when they were thrown into the furnace by king Nebuchadnezzar. Jesus, in His original Spirit embodiment had visited Earth many times conducting a variety of missions as He worked His, and the Fathers plan of salvation.


Finally, He was born in human flesh––incarnate! But, unlike the other times, in the Old Testament, He could not appear and reappear at will. This time He was “stuck––attached, or fasten”––to a fleshy embodiment that did not allow Him the freedom to “shape-shift” back into His Spirit form. This time, like a human, He was limited and prevented by the physical body He was in, from doing the things He could when in His Pre-existent, Spirit embodiment. However, this did not take away from His knowledge of who He was and what His mission was defined as. He knew very well, why and what He was doing. There was no hesitation, or lack of confidence about His ministry. He was well aware of the tasks He had to accomplish and went about doing them throughout His ministry.


The blind had their sight restored. The deaf had their hearing returned. The lame walked and those that were crippled were healed. He turned water into wine, fed thousands with a handful of fish and few loves of bread. He walked on water and cast out demons. And yes, even the demons recognized Him when He came upon them in His human form (Matt. 8:23-34).


During His temptations with Satan He told Satan it was not right to “tempt the Lord your God” (Matt. 4:7). This plainly told Satan it wasn’t good to tempt Him––clearly stating, He was the Lord God, He was talking about. Notice in Matt. 4:10. He tells Satan get behind Him––and only He shall be worshipped and only He shall you serve––again, talking about Himself! Jesus was well aware of who He was. He never lost that “connection,” nor did He “forfeit” the consciousness of His Divinity, regardless, of being human. He even claimed the same name He told Moses thousands of years before, when saying He was the “I AM” (John 8:58)!!


Jesus’ nature always included the knowledge and self-actualization––memory–– of who He was. He knew He came from the Father (John 17:5) and was looking forward to returning to the glory He had before His incarnation. Christ’s connection to His heavenly origin was undoubtably embedded in His consciousness, assuring Him of His Father’s love and favor.


However, this is not unlike the similar relationship we “potentially” can have with both, Christ and the Father, if we will maintain the vision and faith in their plan of salvation. Like in Christ’s condition, we too can live assured that we are involved in a divine destiny as long as we endure to the end ( Matt. 24:13; 10:22 & Mark 13:13 & Rev. 2:10). 


But, keep in mind, Christ was still human. He had to also endure to the end, sinless, in order to fulfill the process of “trail-blazing” the path that would be used for redeeming mankind from the grips of sin and death. This is made clear in Hebrews 2. This chapter explains how man was intended to have all things subjected unto him, mankind––“But now we see not yet all things put under him” (Heb. 2:5-8). 


Instead, we see Jesus who was made lower than the angels, made from the seed of Abraham, so He could suffer death and destroy the works of the devil, securing us, who are tempted throughout this fleshy life; as He was, when He too was confined in a human tabernacle (Heb. 2:9-18)! This resulted in having a Savior who can be touched with our infirmities––the fears, anxieties, doubts, and insecurities––and be confident He understands us while in this frail condition of flesh and blood (Heb. 4:14-16). He was “in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin”––as a human being! 


Yes, we have a Savior that was both human and Divine. He can be touched by our human existence as we know it, yet He maintained a clear understanding He was on a Divine mission to fulfill the prophetic writings He composed about His own destiny. However, it didn’t dismiss the risk He was surrounded by. He knew what was at stake, but proceeded with a sense of determination and commitment that could not be shaken. This is the example we as His “called out ones,” need to follow so we too may be able to obtain the prize that is offered to us as co-heirs to the promises He has made in His word (Rom. 8:14-23) !



Sermon: Christ Is God Incarnate

by: Bill Watson



by: Bill Watson

 Direct Comments to:

What does that even mean––a “Revolution of Common Sense?” How can that statement even come close to meaning anything that is considered reasonable? The very thought of it would seem unreasonable since so many insist common sense is consistently used all the time. 


But, how can that be when considering so many non-sensical government policies, irrational social normalizations, and “gaslighting” explanations, designed to influence the U.S. citizens to think certain things are a particular way, when in fact, they are nowhere near the way specific leaders, who know better, try to convince us otherwise. Like telling the American public, the borders are secure when in reality, the amount of illegal nationals that entered the country over the last four years are at record highs!! Clearly, some of the ideas and statements portrayed and policies enacted are seriously lacking COMMON SENSE and are simply foolishness!


For example, how can it be rational to allow a biological males compete in female sports? How is it we think that makes sense? Or a male, or female that “thinks” they are opposite of their biology and therefore, because they “think” this, they are allowed access into the bathrooms, locker rooms, share dormitories, and /or pajama parties with the opposite sex––how is that sensible? 


How is it rational to allow unqualified individuals to serve in area’s that risk the lives of innocent citizens just so quota’s can be achieved in the name of DEI? Why isn’t that considered nonsense? How does that even make sense? Think in terms of a doctor, a bus driver, pilot, or air traffic controller, a policemen, or paramedic; and you are dependent on them to provide you the service required–how does that assure your safety––let alone, is reasonable logic? Who thinks like that?


I got to thinking this week as I was listening to the incoming President of the USA at the inauguration, Donald Trump; and was listening to the definitions of some Executive Orders (E.O.) he intended to sign in the coming hours. 


Admittedly, I had to shake my head in disbelief concerning some of them because you would think COMMON SENSE would tell you particular E.O’s shouldn’t be necessary––yet they are! This clearly only illustrates just how far our social order––our hegemony––has declined and devolved into a “dark rabbit hole” of illogical mental unsoundness. How can you allow stealing just under a $1000.00 worth of items not be considered shop-lifting? Or provide sanctioned aid to illegal foreigners and then complain to the Federal Government you need more money to support them; but not cooperate with federal law-enforcement to round them up and send them back to their homeland?


It’s hard to fathom Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and West Point graduates––both men and women––would succumb to this kind of ridiculously absurd and foolish thinking; and to the point they would attempt to defend and support laws and policies in the “Public Square” for acceptance!  


But, it appears, based on the first week of this new Administration, Common Sense has returned! Consider during this first week, hundreds of foreign nationals that are known criminals have been apprehended and being arranged for removal from the USA. The Mexican Cartels have been designated as a terrorist organization. An E.O. specifically recognizing, on the Federal level, there are only 2 genders––male and female! Over 15,000 trans-gender military personal have been released on medical leave. Tax laws are being reviewed for modification, or elimination, which includes trade tariff considerations with international trading partners from around the world. and the list goes on and on and on.


Yes, it would appear a revival of Common Sense has returned and the United States is finally saying enough is enough! But, the real questions are how far will these changes go and how will the American people handle what these changes may bring to light? 


Interestingly enough, since there will be a new FBI Director and Attorney General handling the Department of Justice––it’s certainly likely, investigations of particular subjects will occur. Suspicions of particular events surrounding questions about the 2020 Presidential Election; the pandemic and associated development of the mRNA vaccines––its side effects––and how people lost their jobs, or military positions, because they refused the “mandated” inoculation. 


Or the J6ers and who was really behind that chaos; and why were known FBI agents mixed in the crowd and caught on camera exacerbating the situation? And what about Benghazi? And how about all the money–-literally millions of dollars––the Biden family received over the years from business deals while he was in office, which included even their grand-children, and daughter-in-laws receiving payment from some of these companies? And we can’t forget the nefarious and lascivious activity, “PROVEN” WITH PHOTOS AND VIDEO from the lap-tops of both Hunter Biden and Mr. Anthony Wiener––can we?


There are so many events and topics that demand justice (not vengeance), which all goes to illustrate just how terribly awful the United States has drifted from the “RULE OF LAW” and the GOD OF ISRAEL! 


It would seem to appear God has raised up a Judge for our time to infuse the nation with some Common Sense as He did when Israel had no king. Othniel, Caleb’s younger brother, was raised up to recover Israel from its sinful ways when it was oppressed, and Israel enjoyed 40 years of rest. Ehud was another “Judge” that over-came the oppression and influence of the Moabites, and Israel enjoyed rest for 80 years. And we could include Deborah and Gideon and some other “Judges” God raised up to emancipate Israel of their sins and oppression from their enemies.


“Could it be” (I’m just asking), we are in the midst––in real time––of  a modern-day Judge that God has raise up in these latter days to recover modern-day Israel (Manasseh) from the oppression that has infiltrated the land with Marxists ideas and globalist ideologies? Time will tell as we proceed and view the results of the efforts of this new Administration and what the effects will be from the POLICIES it conducts.


But, in the meantime, take opportunity to download our booklet that is titled: A World In Transition—(A Prophetic Seasonal Change). It will help you to understand and bring to light some of what remains out ahead for the United States, from the Voices of the Prophets! These Prophets are screaming with insight to events of the latter days and specifically the Birth-right recipient nations that have been so richly blessed by God. Keep in mind, it is a warning message!



by: Bill Watson 

 Direct Comments to:


It’s been said, we should learn by our mistakes and if we don’t, then those who ignore the lessons of those past mistakes are destined to repeat the same mistake. This is exactly what happened some 4 years ago when the mRNA vaccine (Covid -19) was “mandated” in some cases and distributed to humanity on a global scale! Let me explain.


Unfortunately, the Nuremberg legal Code was “ignored,” which established the principle of “Informed Consent.” This Code was a direct result of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal, on August 19, 1947. This “CODIFIED principle”  was established in the Doctors Trial of the USA vs Karl Brandt after WW-2. It was outlined in “Trials of War Criminals” at Nuremberg’s “Military Tribunal” under the Control Council Law, #10, vol 2, pp181-183.


This rule was established because the Nazi doctors were experimenting with human beings contrary to the enshrined Hippocratic Oath and subsequent codes that establish the premise of Medical Ethics. And furthermore, by extension, bioscientist’s research MUST ALWAYS put the needs and welfare of human subjects first. Sadly, until the Nuremberg “Doctors Trial,” these specific human rights were not codified for biomedical research either. 


Therefore, “gain of Function” research was uninhibited by any moral, and/or ethical restraint––and many human beings were used as “lab rats” for very horrific experiments by men like Karl Brandt, Hitler’s personal physician, or the infamous and most notorious offender, Josef Mengele of Auschwitz, who was never brought to trial (Ref: link #1 below for more detail).


Fast forward to December 10, 2020. This is the date the FDA provided “Emergency use Authorization” (EUA) to Pfizer-BioNTech––4 days later mass vaccinations began––ignoring the lesson learned from WW- 2, about the code, regarding Informed Consent!


Moderna was granted EUA approval on December 17, 2020. And shortly thereafter, J & J’s vaccine was granted approval on February 27th, 2021 [However, only to be pulled later from distribution, due to discovering it was contributing to increased risks of blood clots.]. Finally on April 19, 2021 all U.S. states opened vaccine eligibility to all citizens, aged 16 and over for mass immunization––100 million doses were distributed in the first 100 days of the Biden Administration, after taking office (Ref: link #2 Wikipedia). This has resulted in 270 million Americans (81%) that have received at least 1 jab and about 230 million Americans (70%) that are considered fully inoculated with boosters and multiple jabs.


But here’s the “rub”––the dilemma we are faced with––how can you have “Informed Consent” if the public wasn’t told an EUA is nothing more than a “trial” and is not actually “proved” to be safe, secure, and healthy for human consumption; which then, translates to mean we are the guinea pigs for this trial!!


So, who can make a sensible, or reasonable “Informed Consent” decision, when the short-term effects of the “jab” neither STOPS the contagion’s ability to contract and/or transmit the virus;and any long-term DATA doesn’t exist? As a matter of fact, what is now emerging, is news about side-effects that even “Fact Checkers” have admitted exist, but they “mask” and attempt to mitigate the side-effects with words like, “rare cases, minority harm risks, rare autoimmune neurological conditions, or EXTREMELY rare adverse event !!” (Ref: link #3).


The “uncomfortable truth coming to fruition” is some of these vaccine side effects are now becoming recognized as legitimate growing concerns, as large numbers of individuals are coming forward, disclosing their personal suffering and health tragedies from the side-effects,

while statistics continue to increase and accelerate in amounts and scope, as questionable technical information, quality control methods, and suspected governmental and pharmaceutical collusion comes “into the light.” Ref: links #4 & #5)


Clearly, we know this is a controversial topic and understand some of us have gone ahead and perhaps, conceded to taking this mRNA vaccine. However, that doesn’t dismiss the need for all of us, vaccinated, or not, to asses and seriously evaluate for the future, the REAL risks surrounding the mRNA vaccine, when considering ourselves, mates, children and friends. Keep in mind, “Informed Consent” is your constitutional right––it has been since WW 2 ended––and it is codified! 


All of us have the right and freedom to select, or choose, what we determine to be in our best interests for ourselves and loved ones. It isn’t right, nor is it appropriate, or ethical, to be coerced, forced, or mandated “with threats of loss” to do something against your conscious. Remember, what is not of faith is sin (Rom. 14:23).


So, lets keep in mind, there are many pressures surrounding us in our world today and there is a movement to collectively consolidate the worlds nations and population––it’s called globalism! The kind of activity that became the method of choice to immunize the world with a common vaccine is the same “principle,” perhaps a preview, of what will be used to “MARK”everyone, so we can function within our social environment and participate in the commerce of society (Rev. 13:16-18). The technology is now upon us for this to happen and unfortunately, probably sooner than later. 


So, be vigilant and retain a healthy degree of suspicion of what is developing around us for the sake of yourself and loved ones––why? Because there is coming a time when we will all have to exercise the bravery, boldness and courage to “pick a lane”––push back, and make a decisive decision. Hopefully, it will be to resist this MARK, thereby, assuring our salvation (Rev. 14:9-11). Keep in mind: it’s your body, therefore, it is your choice––predicated on the code of “informed consent!”


I hope you will take the time to review these links for a more insightful understanding aboutwhat is being obscured and obfuscated. There are a lot of credible individuals on these links that express legitimate concerns, substantiated with FACTS, about this mRNA vaccine; and it merits our attention because of what these professionals know, have experienced, and what they explain and warn us about in these links!











1 /14/25

by: Bill Watson

 Direct Comments to:

As we all know, southern California has about 3 or 4 major fires that are simultaneously burning as we speak and is now threatening more acreage as it encroaches into more suburban areas. Pasadena, California is now being threatened. The former Ambassador College campus, now owned by an evangelical church group, is mighty close to the approaching flames. And only one fire as we go to print, is under control. The rest of them are only about 35 % contained, while the Santa Ana winds continue to fan the flames, with 100 MPH gusts.


This is a very unfortunate situation that sadly is destroying some of the United State’s most beautiful country side. Multi million dollar homes along with neighborhoods that are decades old with an historical legacy that are priceless and cannot be replaced, are going up in smoke. Even Will Rogers historic home was burned to the ground as was the park it was located in––along with many high profile people’s homes as well––like Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton. Billy Crystal, and Jamie Lee Curtis; just too mention a few. 


It is so woefully disheartening! So many families that have lost everything and of which now is exacerbated by Insurance companies that are reneging on their responsibility of coverage for the losses, looters, and arsonists that are just making a bad situation worse! There have even been reports that looters are dressing up like firemen so they can access the damaged homes without being recognized as looters. It’s a disgusting condition to think there are people who will take advantage of fellow citizens while they are vulnerable, for personal gain––it’s pathetic and unconscionable, to think there are people participating in such “sorrowfully wretched” behavior!!


Compounding this destruction, is what appears to be a complete mismanagement of “safety assets” that are designed for back-up to combat conditions like this. The Los Angeles Mayor, Karen Bass, called for a $50 million cut to the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD), after she was warned about a previous $7 million cut for overtime, had already severely limited response to wildfires. So, it wasn’t like she didn’t know about this looming danger.


In addition, the city of L.A. scheduled the Santa Ynez Reservoir for maintenance! That’s right!! Of all things, right in the heart of, and during the season of the Santa Ana winds. Who does that? And furthermore, didn’t tell anyone how long it would be off line! And though former Chief Engineer, Martain Adams, claimed it wouldn’t have eliminated the damages; it would have helped avoid some of the hydrants from loosing water pressure so early in the “fire-fight,” which would have been helpful. 


However, Mayor, Karen Bass, was threatening $49 more million dollars in additional cuts to the LAFD a week before the fires broke out. In a memo, dated January 6th, the day before the fires started, it was determined if that budget cut was to be achieved, approximately 16 fire stations would have to be closed down! Something is really missing with regards to priorities in such a high potential wildfire area, when considering the extraordinary amount of property investments the Los Angeles area contains. It’s becoming obvious the “City Government Officials” have grossly mismanaged their priorities, leaving 10’s of thousands of acres and structures, like homes and business, vulnerable to the dangers the geography presents.


Clearly, knowing some of the back-drop of what has happened and where some of the “balls” were dropped doesn’t change anything. The mass of this tragedy, size and scope of devastation we are witnessing is enormously mind boggling, leaving us only to lament the destruction of so much loss of properties and lives!

So, is there anything we can do? Let me mention there are reports coming to us that certain brethren in God’s Church have personally experienced, and been affected by the fires. Some have totally lost their homes, while others have been disrupted in their lifestyles and perhaps have lost their jobs due to the damage the fires have caused. 

But, if you’d like to help, there is a way you can contribute if your so compelled to do so. Below is a contact link you can go to that will serve the needs of brethren in “God’s Church, specifically,” living in the greater L.A. area that have experienced the effects of the fires. (all donations will be “directed only” to Sabbath Keeping COG brethren)

Secondly, The Samaritan Purse Organization, sponsored by Franklin Graham is also going to be helping as many as they can in the area. They too are a legitimate organization you can contribute to as well.

However, please, keep EVERYONE in that area of California in your prayers!!




by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:


Well, as hard as it is to believe we have cycled another year according to the CATHOLIC Gregorian Calendar and have entered into what has been calculated to be the year 2025. And it already is shaping up to be quite the year after just one week. 


Our headlines and chatter on the Internet has presented us with some threatening conditions that have already manifested in death and destruction in what has been considered terrorists attacks in New Orleans, and Las Vegas. This has stirred up concerns about “terrorist sleeper cells” that are scattered around the United States. Also there have been some additional attacks in other parts of the world as well. 


Airplane crashes, an “unexplained fog” that randomly appears and has been reported to make people sick with dizziness, sore throats, and headaches.  And now a bird flu that apparently is gaining attention and reviving the idea of lockdowns, masking, and a new vaccine that has no proven “history / record” of stopping this virus’ contagion properties, or transmission ability from one person to another. 


Its much like the Covid-19 (CCP virus) vaccine that did neither as well, and actually resulted in people that conceded to that vaccine, still contracting it multiple times there-after. So, welcome to our first week into 2025! And we haven’t even certified the most recent Presidential Election, or inaugurated the President elect––that too may present some additional threats!


It makes you wonder just what this year has in store for all of us on planet earth. There is no doubt that Christ’s advice of not being mentally, or emotionally disturbed, or terrified when hearing about wars and rumors of wars is indeed, Good Advice ! And though we are now surrounded by “REAL existential threats,” around the world; like China hovering around Taiwan, and Russia changing its nuclear weapons policies, Iran on the cusp of obtaining a nuclear bomb and N. Korea continuing to test it’s missile delivery systems––though it may be difficult, Christ’s advice in Luke 21:9-11, should be kept in mind. 


We are in a time like no other in human history! The size and magnitude and amounts of weapons we know of, let alone those we don’t know about, have never been this massive, or able to render the scope of destruction––EVER, in humanities earthly history! Unquestionably, we are living in very dangerous, but also very EXCITING times! 


As Christians, “specifically,” those in God’s Church––we have known for decades and perhaps, centuries that an end to the destruction, pain, and agonizing human suffering, would eventually come to an end. And with that ending, as God’s Plan brings this chapter of man’s rule to closure, we also know there will be a time of trouble (tribulations) like no other. It will be so horrific that if Christ did not return and save mankind from self-destruction, no flesh would remain alive (Matt. 24:21-22 & Mark 13:20) ! 


So, it becomes apparent, considering all the many prophesies out ahead of us for the possibility of generations to come, that we, as “Watchers on The Wall” (Eek 33) must continue to “cry aloud” (Isa, 58:1) and NOT be AFRAID to talk about WHAT sin is and WHAT threatens our SALVATION and our CULTURE. God expects us to speak to the issues of our day, giving light (understanding) to those that have “eyes to see and ears to hear.” It is so “VITALLY” important God’s Church and the people of the world are indeed, “warned” (Ezek. 34:1-14)––and to look out for the “subtitles and wiles” of the devil that are designed to disqualify us by growing weary in well doing (Gal. 6:9-10 & Matt.24:13) ! Our first order of business, without a doubt, is to finish the race !


So brethren, support your congregations and the ministry that serves you! Hold them all, brethren included, in high esteem with honor for ALL those that are embedded in the service of ministry for God’s people and HIS WORK! 




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12 /26/24

by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

This year an annual “Winter Solstice” exhibit from the “Freedom from Religion Foundation” (FFRF) was set up in Wisconsin’s Capitol. It opposed religious displays and said: “At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven, or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.” The Catholic league responded with a billboard near the FFRF’s headquarters that said: “ATHEISTS STRIKE OUT AT CHRISTMAS.Celebrating Winter Solstice is a Child’s Game. This Is Our Season––Not Theirs. Celebrate the Birth of Christ, Merry Christmas.” And so this illustrates, the controversy continues.


Additionally, there is an effort to characterize certain truths about the birth of Christ, within the Christmas Story that are targeted to compromise Christ’s bloodline of “Jewishness” for the sake of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). An example of this is the Nativity scene at the Vatican this year. The infant Jesus is wrapped up in a “Keffiyeh scarf,” which is the dominantly vigorous symbol of the Palestinian cause. Many of you have seen this black & white scarf wrapped around the heads and faces of many protestors across the USA on many of the college campus’ protesting the Palestinian Position. This attempt of rewriting Jesus as a Palestinian is designed to eliminate Christ’s heritage as an Israelite. However, some days later the Scarf was indeed removed without any explanation, to the surprise of the Arab Palestinian officials and community.


In Australia, elementary school children were prevented from exchanging Christmas themed items among each other. On CNN, a panel was told by a Catholic priest that Christmas is about a Palestinian Jew; which makes no sense at all. Especially, since you can trace Christ’s bloodline connection back to the House of David, king of Israel, from the tribe of Judah! And in Florida, the Hyatt Regency Miami hosted a Drag Queen Christmas Show and got in trouble with law enforcement, being accused of exposing minors to explicit sexual content. NBC reported the hotel was fined $5000.00. And so, “the Beat goes on,” as Sonny and Cher use to sing some years ago. It seems the issues never stop when it comes to the subject of Christmas.


There’s even an effort centered around an attempt to explain Christmas’s origins are indeed, a Christian based holiday. Recently, PEW Research claimed because Christmas is accepted by about 96% of the population and the story at its core, is about a personal God taking humanity upon Himself, steps into our world and redeems sinful human beings who are unable to redeem themselves; so how can anyone deny this, as a Christian holiday––the Christian message is inescapable! Or at least that’s what these Christian folks want you to embrace. 


But, is Christmas a legitimate Christian holiday (Holy Day)? Did Christ instruct His followers to remember His birthday and to share gifts among themselves so that He might be glorified in all this commercialism? And is there any record of the early New Testament Church observing the Winter Solstice date in celebration of Jesus’ birth? Is it recorded in the book of Acts, or any of the gospels, or for that matter, anywhere in the Bible?


Clearly, anyone that is familiar with their Bibles know the answers to all of the above questions is an absolute NO! There is no record of any of those things happening, or preserved and/or commanded to be observed for coming generations. Frankly, attempting to determine Christ’s actual physical birth is quite a study in its self, when taking into account all of the evidence that points to the time of His birth.

In the United States it’s a known fact, many of the early Christian settlers did not observe, or celebrate a Christmas holiday. Actually, the first English Civil War (1642-46) that afforded the Puritans coming to power over the Anglicans, banned the celebration of Christmas, Easter and other various saints days. the Massachusetts Bay Colony, founded in 1630 adopted the law of 1659 that said; “whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way, would be slapped with a five-shilling fine.” It really wasn’t a mainstream celebration in the USA until about the mid-18th century and became such, due to much of English Anglican and Catholic influence.


Clearly, the fact there is no biblical legitimacy to Christmas observance and it’s connection to Christ’s birth; but instead, early on, it seems to be a kind of “organic-outgrowth observance” from the people. However, this feast was formally introduced in Antioch by John Chrysostom in the late 4th century (maybe 388 A.D.) and again, in Alexandria in the following 5th century. Georgian Ladgari says Christmas was celebrated in Jerusalem by the 6th century. (wikipedia)


But, in most cases it is dominantly attached and adopted from the Saturnalia, named in honor of Saturn, Sol Invictus (Unconquered sun) celebration, which was connected to Rome at the time of the emergence of the Church of God. But, this date of December 25 was significant for a variety of early cultures long before Rome. For instance, Babylon believed the son of the queen of heaven was born on December 25th. Ancient Egypt celebrated the birth of the son of the fertility goddess Isis, while ancient Arabia observed the birth of the moon on this date.


But, Saint Augustine of Hippo in his sermon #192 wrote, “Hence it is that He was born on the day which is the shortest in our earthly reckoning and from which subsequent days begin to increase in length. He therefore, who bent low and lifted us up chose the shortest day, yet the one whence light begins to increase.” We can begin to see how the “birth of the Sun (Son) became conflated, adopted, and ultimately “shifted to Christ” Himself, replacing Sol Invictus!


It’s not my purpose to explain how to understand Christ was born in the fall, but let me close with these few quotes. 


“That Christmas was a pagan festival long before the time of our Lord is BEYOND DOUBT. …The policy of Constantine, and his “Edict of Milan,” by establishing universal freedom of religion furthered this. When many of the followers of the old pagan systems––the vast majority of the empire, it must be remembered––adopted the Christian religion as a cult, which Constantine had made fashionable and the “Church’” became the Church of the Roman Empire, they brought in with them, among a number of other things emanating from Egypt and Babylon, the various Festival Days of the “old religions.” Thus Christmas Day , the birthday of the Egyptian Horus (Osiris) became gradually substituted…” [

Bullinger’s Companion Bible, Appendix 179, pg 199]


“The main arguments against the Nativity having taken place in December may be set forth very simply:

1) The extreme improbability …that Mary, under such circumstances could have undertaken a journey of about 70 miles through a hill district averaging some 3000 feet above sea-level, in the depth of winter.

2) Shepherds and their folks would not be found abiding in the open fields at night in December, for the paramount reason that there would be no pasturage at that time.

3) The Roman authorities in imposing such a “census taking” …would not have enforced the imperial decree at the most inconvenient and inclement season of the year by compelling the people to enroll themselves at the respective cities in December.

4) The connection with the priestly course of the Jewish priest Abiah

[Bullinger’s Companion Bible, Appendix 179, pg 200]




by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

The “Mission of the Church” is probably one of the most debated and controversial subjects among Christians today. Christian ministers from multiple denominations that keep either Sunday and/ or Saturday for Sabbath are all caught up in the cross-fire of their critics. And clearly, this is especially passionately true when it comes to “politics:” should it, or should it not be presented, discussed, and / or talked about, in the pulpit? These same people claim there is no difference between speaking to policies, or politics––in their minds, both are one and the same–-to speak about cultural policies, is to speak about politics. But, is this true?

Many Christians today espouse the fact, all that should be presented is the “gospel,” but unwittingly, they are separating the Church from the “public square,” confining it only to what they subjectively identify as only that information relative to salvation. Now that’s not to say that segment of information is not part of the gospel, because it most certainly is an important part––it goes without saying––but, is that all there is to defining what the gospel is?

So, undoubtably, this is critical to defining the “Mission of the Church;” and why is that? Because Christ told us to go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Christ, the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. He continued to clarify: “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world” (Matt. 28:19-20).

Interestingly enough, when you begin to recognize the “social culture” is changing and going in opposition to what “Christ’s teachings and observances are;” why wouldn’t you determine His Church should sound the alarm and point out that the direction the culture is going in, is wrong? Why would we not think the Church is responsible to “witness and warn” and speak out to these issues and growing “anti-Christ” conditions, which are leading the people astray? After-all, Didn’t our Lord forewarn us that “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a “witness” unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14).

Crying aloud and showing my people their sins by speaking to the issues is not abandoning the preaching of the gospel–-that is the gospel ( Isa. 58:1) !! To claim the Church of God has no responsibility to direct attention to the malfeasance and malevolent behavior of the leadership we are surrounded by, is simply deflecting and running from its responsibility.

Everything about the “Mission” of the prophets as well as the ministry of Christ, was focused on addressing the leadership and to the society in general, where they were missing the mark–-where they were sinning! This could only be done by contending with the policies of the leadership and lifestyles of the culture of the time. Christ pushed back on the hypocrisy of His day, whether from the Romans, or the Jewish religious leaders––He measured everything by what the church was founded on––the apostles, prophets, and law, with Christ Himself as the Chief Cornerstone (Acts 28:23 & Eph. 2:20).

When we see trends like attacks on fatherhood, true femininity, the family, gender dysphoria, immoral sexuality, life in the womb, war, lies, and thievery; policies that result in hurting our health, or stealing our freedom of ownership, speech, and expression––should not the Church speak out, warn the people and witness to them that the conditions and trends are not right and are gravitating toward “satanic confusion?” Unquestionably, these are forces, and sometimes policies that if allowed to go unchecked, would encroach and interfere with us teaching what Christ commanded to observe and do. I would hope we understand plainly, our battle is spiritual and is against spirits in high places (Eph. 6:12-13).

For the Church to assiduously recoil and draw–back from this calling and avoid forewarning the people, to keep them aware of the subtle and insidious demonic agenda working on their conscience, is a “cowardice withdrawal” that God does not favor! Notice; “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition [loss, destruction]; but to them that believe to the saving of the soul” (Heb. 10:38-39).

And so the thought is, if we believe the gospel has the power to save our souls, then no matter where we are, what circumstances we face, or conditions we are surrounded by; preaching the Word of God needs to address those topics regardless, as to where we as His witnesses are lead to share His message––that’s our mission!

And the apostle Paul believed in this same manner of courageously sharing the gospel message, which is the Mission of the Church. Notice: “For though I be free from all, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gan the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; …To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you” (1 Cor 9:19-23).

What Paul is saying, is to meet the people on their terms, address the issues on their level. We as witness’ ought to have the courage to become aware of the same concerns the people have so we can explain for their edification, what God expects from them. And if that requires us to address certain cultural policies of a political nature, well then; so be it!

Keep in mind, just because a moral issue has been politicized, doesn’t put it in a “hands off” category for the Church. There is no free passes! The Church should speak out regardless, as to where the subject and/ or topic may reside; be it in families, morality, political policy, or religious doctrine. The Mission of the Church should be “brave, bold and courageous” enough to address the wrongs, the perverse, and the hypocrisy of our times! It is the Church of God’s commission, to “cry aloud and show my people their sins, baptizing them and teaching all nations to observe and do whatsoever Christ has commanded us to do (Matt. 28:19-20; Isa. 58:1).

And if that causes the Church to cross over into some of the political policies a nation may have, the Church should face the responsibility it has and witness, confront, and address; reveal what God expects in the face of the sin being conducted!


A recommended book all should read is:


by: Eric Metazas




by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:


Jesus made the statement while near the Temple. He said, “But when your shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for those things must first come to pass: but the end is not by and by [or, immediately]” (Luke 21:9).


It is interesting to see how in our present “state of affairs” on this earth that we are indeed, facing conditions and circumstances of “wars and commotions.” Currently, there are multiple possibilities of some major conflicts breaking out, or escalating into existential threats to mankind’s existence. 


Presently, I don’t need to remind you of the conflict between the Ukrainians, Russians and by proxy, the USA. Another, is the Israeli and Hamas / Hezbollah fighting, with the added involvement of Iran in the shadows. Additionally, there are threats, which could add to these conflicts, due to tensions between China and Taiwan and North Korea fighting along side of the Russians in Ukraine. And these are just a few of the more larger disputes around the world that risks escalations in warfare that could erupt into worldwide calamities! 


And yet, Christ, while at the Temple on this day, advised us to “not be terrified: for these things must first come to pass: but the end is not immediately.” Essentially, He is warning us about the fact it will get a lot worse before it gets better. It’s no secret, it will get so bad that no flesh would be alive if the days were not shorten (Matt. 24:22 & Mark 13:20).. In-other-words, man would reach the point of self-destruction––that is the ultimate precipice !


In the book of Revelation, scattered among the three sets of seven––Seals, Trumpets and Vials––we discover five different wars described. They are located in Rev. 6:8, Chapter 9–the first two woes, and Chapter 16:16-21, which describes Armageddon. The last one is at the end of the Millennium and is described in Rev. 20:7-10. That particular one, which includes Satan directly, seems to be the last war ever to be conducted on earth. 


But, all of these wars will result in an enormous amount of destruction bloodshed, and death. it would appear when the Millennium begins there will be less than half the world’s population left. The descriptions illustrate there will be a lot of ruthless butchery and carnage ahead of us that will result in literally, billions of people being killed!


So, when we hear of these “rumors of war” and additional conflicts that are pending, due to tensions between nations, know this: it’s just the beginning of sorrows! So, don’t allow yourself to be terrified by rumors of WW3––why? Because, like in many parts of the world today, this hostility and the danger it exposes us too is just something we must learn to live with––because the world we live in is filled with malice, hatred and enmity among many ethnicities.


Clearly, until our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, returns to inherit this world He has qualified to rule, man will not achieve peace. Peace on earth will only be achievable upon Christ’s rulership; and with His resurrected saints, they will teach humanity how to live peaceably with each other. This will occur during the Millennium, after Jesus Christ returns.  (Zech. 14:9 & Rev. 20:4).


So for the time, concentrate and develop, for your short term destiny: your “preparation” to become a king and priest for His kingdom. (Rev. 5:10). Because your long term destiny is to become an inheritor of everything that Jesus Christ has inherited––for we are “joint-heirs” with Him for all eternity (Rom. 8:15-19).  

Recommended offer: Man’s Awesome Destiny




by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:


Did you ever stop and think about how blessed we are? When you consider the freedom you have and opportunities before you––are you emotionally moved with gratitude for what you have and the potential there is in your future, for you personally? Nowhere in the world is there a nation like the United States of America—it offers so much more than other nations and the “testimony of proof” is illustrated by the many people from foreign countries that want to be educated, work, or live here in the United States.


But, what do we mean when we say one should have gratitude–-what is gratitude? According to the dictionary, it’s a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. It’s an emotion of heartfelt affectionate gladdening! Someone who is grateful and has benefited from the blessing of some item, or service that has been provided, or even a person. They are cognizant of the favor they have experiences and consciously give expression to the affection of appreciation they feel.


Thanksgiving does indeed bring this lesson home to all of us––or at least, it should! Being surrounded by family and friends, sharing a variety of foods with everyone–-it doesn’t get much better than that. Especially if there are a few generations in the house––your children’s children is a real blessing to experience!


And though we don’t think too much about this today because we’re so humanistic and secularized, but the living God and our Christian roots have played a big part in the blessings of the United States of America. 


Back when our “Founders” were first arriving from Europe, one common element they all seemed to share and believe was critical to the success and prosperity of the nation––and that was they all proclaimed God’s Providence! Whether Quakers, Puritans, or Anglicans, Lutherans, and even some Catholics––they all considered this new continent was a type of the “promised land.” It offered the freedom from the Church of England that seemed to oppress so many at the time. So, these “pilgrims” were not afraid, shy, or embarrassed to praise God for the abundance they were benefiting from their labors. 


However, today the connection with God and specifically Jesus Christ, is not so much. Some families I dare say today, don’t even pray and give thanks to God for what they’re about to consume in the warmth and security of their homes. It’s unfortunate there are some of us that don’t take the time to stop and pause and give a comment––a prayer––to God about our gratitude for what He’s provided. To give God a heartfelt expression of “affectionate gladdening” is not so hard and clearly is the right thing to do as beneficiaries of so many enormous blessings the United States provides.


So, I hope that we as Christians especially, take that time to pause with family and friends and regardless of how some might feel about give thanks––give it anyway for the glory of God, who deserves our praise and appreciation for what He does for our lives and this country.


If we didn’t do it this year, then take this as a reminder and point of encouragement to remember God next year before you “dig in” to all the plenteous varieties of foods and drink before you. God is certainly deserving and merits our attention and thanks for all he does! And it will be a good educational tool for our children to observe and learn the considerations and honor we should show God for His blessings. Teach your children well!


Some Scriptures to keep in mind concerning Gratitude and thankfulness.

1 Thess. 5:16-18 - Psalms 118:24 - Col. 3:16-17 - Col. 2:7 - Col 4:2 - Jas. 1:17 - Acts 24:3  

Eph. 5:20 - Phil. 4:6 - Psalm 69:30 - Psalm 92::1 - Rom 8:28 - Psalm 9:1 - Psalm 107:1




by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

Most recently the Cleveland Clinic updated their web-site with some enlightening information regarding the side-effects of the mRNA vaccine––and in particular the growing uptick of myocarditis cases since the release of the vaccine (Ref. #1 & #2 links below).


There is no doubt anymore myocarditis, pericarditis and anaphylaxis are some of the more serious allergic reactions to the vaccine. However, there are other side-effects that are now recognized to be caused by the vaccine; like Guillain-Barre’ syndrome (GBS), which is when the body’s immune system actually damages the nerves, causing muscle weakness and occasionally paralysis. There have been confirmed cases of this “syndrome” and the CDC has listed it as a legitimate risk and reaction from taking the vaccine.


The CDC has also listed thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) as another “side-effect risk.” This is a rare condition, but has been associated with the J&J / Janssen vaccine. It causes blood clots and low platelets (blood cells that help with clotting). This finding lead the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to recommend other alternative manufactures for the vaccine, and of which ultimately, lead the J&J/Janssen vaccine to be discontinued in the United States.


There has also been conclusive evidence the vaccine, not just the virus, but the vaccine, has been the cause of death! The CDC has reported several factors when recording these deaths, after taking the Covid-19 vaccination! The FDA requires all healthcare providers to report and list those deaths with the Vaccination Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). However, “allegedly,” current data still maintains those receiving the vaccine are less likely to die from the vaccine than those unvaccinated and died from the CCP virus (Ref. #3 link, below).


But, many are now awakening to the fact, there are legitimate concerns surrounding these Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccine products. Currently, they remain in this category as the FDA awaits the clinical trials for safety and effectiveness to be completed by the manufactures in their pursuit for licensure (approval). (Ref. #4 link, below)


Interestingly though, it has been the public, YOU and ME, that are being used for these clinical trials for “safety and effectiveness!” In-other-words, the unsuspecting public is being used as the “lab rats, or guinea pigs” in what is nothing more than a real time experiment of “risks vs benefits” with a product that is now proving––in the long term––to be “dangerous and risky” to tens of thousands, if not millions of people, worldwide!


There is now also growing SPECULATION being discussed in the “public square,” and is beginning to gain some credibility that there is some serious “plausible” dangers up ahead in the coming years for these side effects to negatively affect the lives of tens of thousands, if not millions of people throughout the world. It’s becoming no laughing matter, with regard to some of the “possible” perilous hazards this mRNA technology presents for human consumption. (Ref. #5 link, below) 


Interestingly enough, this information coming to light is causing some states to begin taking action for submitting legislation to make it a “CRIME” to distribute the mRNA vaccine. This illustrates just how serious some of these rumors are becoming, which may potentially cause  major changes in the way the general public views the “safety and effectiveness” of this mRNA vaccine.  (Ref. #6 & #7 links, below)

As Christians we should consider some of this information, realizing , where there is smoke, there very well may be some fire––actual truth, substance––to the concerns that are being brought up by these studies and doctors that are educated in this field of medicine. We are reminded, we are the temple of God and it’s important to take care of our bodies. To be vigilant about what we ingest, or inter-act with, in any way, shape, or fashion 1 Cor. 3:16-17 & 6:18-20; 2 Cor. 6:16-18). Remember: it’s your body––so, its your personal choice!


Why even the foods we eat today, especially here in the United States–-some of it is simply poison!! There are color dyes, such as red dye 40, yellow dye 5, and blue dye 1. We have Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and other lab made chemicals mixed in our foods. Some of these additives we ingest are not even legal in other countries of Europe, the Netherlands, or Canada. As-a-matter-of-fact, some of our food manufactures are forced to have different recipes for consumption and packaging to other countries in order to sell there products.


And much of the reason why these foods are considered bad, is because some of these additives are carcinogenic, they cause chromosomal aberrations, they inhibit neuritis growth, causing neurological issues. ADD, depression, and other mental and some emotional and / or hormonal disturbances. All of us should take additional precautions on what groceries we purchase for the sake of ourselves, mates, children, and friends.


God expects us to be thoughtful, prudent, and cautious about how we take care of ourselves; what we expose ourselves to and the risks, or dangers we may participate in. It’s incumbent we view how we are managing our diet, weight, hygiene, along with our attitudes as we reflect God in our lives. We are suppose to be ambassadors for Christ––and just what does that even mean? It means to honor God in all that we think, say, and do! 


Let our examples be the kind of reflections that will glorify God in our lives; being that salt, light, or shining city on the hill (Matt. 5:12-16). Clearly, we need to realize if we take the time to watch our diets, balance our activity, get the rest we need, and manage our hygiene, medications, and stress––just taking care of our health, in general––hopefully, we can minimize, if not eliminate, the amount of bad affects on our health! If at all possible, this should be our goal. And though we all realize it isn’t always permissible for some of us, to limit our medication we should at least try to be more natural, more holisticabout how we go about managing our health and well-being––God prefers it that way, if we would just try. 


Brethren, God willing, if we take care of ourselves, we can have the faith, God will take care of us in our times of need (Matt. 11:28-30) !


Please take the time to review the associated links––it will help substantiate the information presented.











by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

…though not everybody was satisfied with the candidate of choice, I can’t help but to be reminded of the old Rolling Stone’s song––“You Can’t Always Get What You Want, but if you try  some time, you might find, you get what you need!” And perhaps, when considering the direction of the United States and it’s downward spiral into the morass of unmitigated open borders, transgender dysphoria, which affords trans-males to enter female bathrooms, locker rooms and compete against them in female sports; along with multiple billions of dollars given away to foreign wars, which exacerbates an “inflation riddled economy” and ignores America’s decaying infrastructure throughout the country––perhaps––…no, not perhaps, but actually; this mandate from the American people is exactly what our nation needs!


Admittedly, there is no doubt the voting results spoke emphatically, unambiguously, and very plainly that an enormous change was desired and needed––the American people have screamed very loudly! Former House Representative, Jody Hice, clearly emotionally affected by the election results, passionately said: “We can’t squander this moment. Underneath all of this, God is giving America a window of mercy. This has to be a moment that the body of Christ responds with gratitude and repentance. We cannot throw away this time of grace that God has given us. …but, may we respond humbly and steward this moment appropriately going forward––and in greater reliance upon Him.”


This admission of God’s involvement is very cogent and presents a compelling consideration that some Americans ignore. However, at this time in our nations history, we cannot afford to ignore God and leave Him out of our culture anymore. The majority of the American population asserted their rejection to the “woke POLICIES” that were being advanced and forced upon the country. They made it clear they are tired of all the nonsense about gender, Public Schools violating parents rights, vaccine mandates, out-of-control crime, a horrible economy, and what appears to be a general lack of just good ole common sense. It’s like our leaders were suffering from a severe case of “reprobate mindlessness;” which allowed this lack of sound judgment to disrupt the country and put it into a tail spin of confusion––we were all being “gaslit to death!” We were lead to believe what was happening, was not really what was happening.


In Isaiah 5:20-24 we are given reasons why God would look upon a nation with disfavor. And essentially it ’s because the leaders are “gaslighting” the people into believing evil is good, wrong is right, bitter is sweet, and darkness is light. Woe unto them, God says to those that do this and are wise in their own eyes, justifying the wicked for reward, they will be as stubble for His fire to consume. Notice: “…because they have cast away the law of the Lord …and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he has stretched forth his hand against them” (Isa. 5:25).


What most don’t recognize is the United States, as well as the United Kingdom are responsible to the God of Israel for the blessings they have been endowed with. The wealth and prosperity our Commonwealth nations share are God given, embedded within the promise given to Jacob [a.k.a. Israel] who bequeathed his name and wealth to his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who were the sons of Joesph (Gen. 48:16-22).


This understanding amounts to a major responsibility we as a nation have––to be God fearing and obedient to His laws and words, as presented in both Old and New Testaments of our Bibles. The trajectory the United States was on, immersed up to it’s eye-balls in woke-ness policies, was leading us into an arena of unnatural affections and a ridiculously illogical reality that was being underscored by the lack of the rule of law––thereby, accelerating the devolution of our culture into a untenable absurdity of senseless and silly nonsense––void of common sense !


And so, it appears God has intervened and placed a “speed bump” into our “culture” to slow us down a bit; …to see just what we will do with this “WINDOW OF MERCY.” How will our leaders use this time? Will they use it appropriately as Mr. Hice passionately appealed for, when he said: “We can’t squander this moment. …This has to be a moment that the body of Christ responds with gratitude and repentance. We cannot throw away this time of grace that God has given us.”


Will we, the people, respond with gratitude and repentance? Will we use this “Window of Mercy” wisely, not wasting it away––but rather, investing this time with sound mindedness, anchored securely in His law, word, and humility, for the benefit of those around us in the course of our lives? It’s time we realize, all of us have a GOD GIVEN responsibility to edify those in our network of family, friends, and acquaintances.


God is watching our nation now, much more closely! Clearly, He has allotted some additional time to us. The question is, will we take it seriously and be grateful for what we have by validating our faith by our behaviors (Jas. 2:17-26)? Will we protect and provide our country with a positive effectual contribution, rooted in solid Christian citizenship? Will we stand in the gap, pick a lane, and as one called of God, lawfully carry on with our civic responsibilities, representing the true God––eschewing those things we know not to be true––and staying the course, regardless of our critics, or disfavor others may manifest toward us?


This election was not about party politics. If you think it was about two political parties competing for a position of power—then your missing the “spiritual” lesson. This has always been about right and wrong; but, according to God’s standards and values. Clearly, it’s about what we’re seeing in these last days––it’s much more “spiritual” than most realize! Notice: “This know also, that in the last days, perilous (dangerous, threatening) times shall come. For men shall be”… Go ahead––read it; 2 Tim. 3:1-7. We are witnessing the manifestation of the SPIRITUAL reality God wants us to see, recognize, and understand: this is NOT what He wants!


It’s up to us now––the people. As they say; GAME ON!! We have an opportunity to change the course of our country. If we use our time right and correctly, we might change the direction of the nation for generations to come. But, the challenge is staying on course with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob––building our lives on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the Chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:19-22) ! Are you up for that? Then be that!


It’s time for a revival in the Church of God!! It’s time for God’s people to get real; to be more engaged and less passive in our lives. God does not want us to be lukewarm. Frankly, He would prefer us to be either hot, or cold––pick a lane, take a stand (Rev. 3:14-16) and “be” the asset God wants you to “be.” Remember, we are not taken out of the world, but rather, don’t let the world take us in. Stay away from the evil and instead, influence the world with the Spirit God gave us when we were baptized (John 17:14-19). 


Our mission is to be influencers for God––ambassadors for Christ. You have the anointing (the unction) [1 John 2:20-29] and God is expecting you to exercise that “Gift” (Grk: Charisma). Many of us are gifted in ways that sometimes we don’t even know. However, you will come to “know” when you actively become a participant––a “practitioner” of your faith. So, let’s “be” the ambassadors we should “be” and “do” what we can to help save those that are lost (1 Cor. 9:19-23).  

OFFER @ under Media; scroll to literature: “How To Build Godly Character”




by Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:


Unfortunately, pedophilia remains rampant around the world. And the United States is central to this raging open scab that continues to “scar our children” and families within our society. The damage this segment of human trafficking has caused is unfathomable; and all you have to do, is a little investigation and you will come to know the depths of evil these sick perverted individuals that prey on our youth, suffer from! These are very sick human beings and sadly, rehabilitation is far and few among these types of predators.


The magnitude of this depravity in our culture is so broad in scope and width that it makes it very difficult to gauge the depth of infection this spiritual disease and dysphoria goes! At present, the United States has lost track of over 300,000 children that have come over the southern border (ref. links below). They have vanished! There is no way to track them down and there is no way to qualify them, when coming into the country. Many of them are without any documentation, or proof the adult that is with them, if there is one, is a legitimate parent and/or guardian. 


However, the good news is, arrests seem to be increasing. We are seeing an acceleration of pedophile networks being busted, as well as individual degenerates that are active participants in this segment of human trafficking, being taken down!


Here recently, a former graphic designer for Disney and Pixar has been convicted in France for sexually abusing children between 2012 thru 2021, with victims as young as 5 to 10 year old girls (ref. link below). Also, former CEO, Mike Jeffries, of “Abercrombie’s & Fitch’s” brand clothing outlets has been arrested on sex trafficking and prostitution charges, just last week (11-4-24). Jeffries was known for his “fetishization” of exploiting youthful innocence for his marketing strategy (Ref. Link below). This guys business model was predicated on his sexual attraction of using young people (boys & girls) for his own personal benefit; both in his business to make money from their modeling and for his personal sexual gratification.


Additionally, the following list below from the FBI is an illustration of more arrests that have occurred recently that is all related to sex trafficking and pedophilia. Some were from the sealed indictments that have been accumulating over the years. And we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the most recent P - Diddy case, or the Hunter Biden and Anthony  Weiner lap tops; or the Epstein list of participants that Gislaine Maxwell has yet to disclose. 


Clearly, pedophilia is a major “evil degenerate corruption” of character within too many Americans, both men and women!! And it has only served to debase and degrade our country’s hegemony. The magnitude of this defilement is shameful and should be an embarrassment to every American, in the United States; especially, when so much of it has been allowed to go on, while “HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT!” 



Additionally, there is a 3 part “Pedophilia” video series posted on Rumble @ cogmedina (on page #6), for your viewing to help you understand just how embedded this shameful activity is within our American culture and the rest of the world!




By: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

In 1 Corinthians 1:2, the apostle Paul addresses his letter to the Church of God. Later in that epistle he claims he’s not fit to be an apostle because he persecuted the Church of God (1 Cor. 15:9). In a personal letter to a young man being groomed for the ministry, he advises him to be sure a man can manage his own family before he’s entrusted to care for the Church of God (1 Tim. 3:5). So, just what is this Church of God?

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus Christ is very plain spoken about the fact that He will build His church and the gates of hell (Grk. hades, meaning grave) would not prevail over it. In-other-words, it wouldn’t die out. It would continue until His return! And that is exactly what’s been going on! But how has it survived? What has been the method used by Jesus Christ to assure its protection from complete destruction––total extermination?

To answer this question we need to properly define the “church.” It comes from a Greek word, ekklesia (ek-klay-see-ah). it means a calling out, assembly, or community. It is derived from another Greek word, Kaleo (kal-eh-o), which means to call, to bid, call forth, or invite. So, what we begin to understand is Christ will build an assembly, group of called out ones. But, God the Father will bid them, or invite them to this calling (John 6:44 & :65).

Now admittedly, this is still somewhat ambiguous as far as detailing a description of these “called out ones” that make up this assembly, labeled, the Church of God. However, we are told it will be built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ, the Rock, as the chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:20). Interestingly enough, we can now begin to acquire some definition with this information.

Clearly, what’s jumping out at us is there doesn’t appear to be any indication these called out ones must be connected with, or to any physical, or structured organization. That’s not to say organizations are bad, or something to be avoided––no conversely, they are helpful and valuable to the dynamic of our Christian growth via the benefit of interactive fellowship and evangelism; but, it doesn’t dismiss this fact––it is not required for “membership” into His body of believers. Clearly, you can be attached to Christ, the vine (John 15:1-12), and at the same time “detached” from an organization, or congregation––and remain a viable member in the body of Christ.

But how––how does that work? Well, we must realize that the real question is: What is the definition of a “called out one?” After-all, did we not identify the “Church” as called out ones? So, if we can identify and define these individuals that have been called forth––that have been invited––we then have also, simultaneously, defined the church––because they are one and the same! Understand, the called out ones are considered Christians and they are those, individually, that make up, or define the Church! Notice: “Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? …for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are” (1 Cor. 3:16-17).

Keep in mind, Christ told us we would know them by their fruits. They would show love toward God by doing His commandments (John 15:10-11). In addition, they would also be keeping the “royal law” of doing unto others as you would want them to do unto you (Jas. 2:8)––“That you love one another, as I Have loved you” (John 15:12). And unquestionably, they would be doing the “work” of God by witnessing and warning with the Gospel; and making disciples for Christ, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever Christ taught those original apostles (Matt. 28:18-20).

Yes, there is no doubt presently, Christians may be found any where in the world, scattered across the landscape of the globe, sometimes independently worshipping the living God and our Saviour and sometimes in fellowship with a congregation, or an organization. But make no mistake, they are spiritually connected, as part of the Body of Christ at large––because the Church is a Spiritual Organism––it is not defined as, or by an organization !!

And so we ask again; how can we know the individuals we fellowship with in our congregations, or at God’s festivals we attend, or perhaps, in the course of our lives, people we randomly meet are indeed, Christians? The not so simple answer to that is––“you shall know them by their fruits” [Matt. 7:15-20].

The two recommended booklets below will help better describe and explain just what those fruits are and how we can ensure we are indeed, one of those “called out ones” within the Body––the Church of God, at large! 

All you need to do is go to–go to the top of the home page and hit, Media––select Literature––and scroll until you see the offers.



The Church That Jesus Built––Booklet


How To Be A Real Christian




By: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

Many of you might be unaware of the major BRICS Meeting that took place in Kazan, Russia. This meeting took place between October 22 thru October 24th. It was scheduled to address certain issues that concern those nations, mostly outside of NATO and of which, included some U.N. and I.M.F. alliances for leveraging future cooperative efforts in the areas of finance, an Interbank Cooperation Mechanism (ICM), immunization development by the BRICS R & D VACCINE CENTER and some additional issues that were part of the agenda.


This group of nations that originally was made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS); has now expanded to as many as 18 new nation states. They are: Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan,  Vietnam, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. Venezuela was denied––Brazil vetoed its admission. This was primarily due to the “suspicion”that voter fraud was involved that resulted in the election of Nicolas Maduro. A very similar “suspicion” as to the voting circumstances surrounding the 2020 USA election that resulted in the current US Presidential Administration.


However, this coalition, though not a formal organization, more like a loose “bloc” of non-Western nations that share in the common goals of the original BRICS objective; which is, to provide an alternative “bloc” (many that are considered communistic) to compete with what they view as Western Dominance. It reflects 30%+ of the word’s economy and just short of half of earth’s population.


This “bloc” of nations is positioned to exert influence around the world to guide and steer conflicts, trends in governance, financial management and/or control globally and includes an R & D center for the development of vaccines. In-other-words, another globalist movement that is working in alliance with the U.N. and is aspiring to become the dominant force, with it’s primary target––to knock off the US dollar as the world’s Reserve Currency.


Clearly, this informal “bloc” of nations that are primarily made up of developing nations, will have the potential of some enormous growth. The expansion potential in the area’s of diplomatic policy, new financial institutions, and ultimately a currency, or new currency system policy that will make them less dependent on the US Dollar––this is, and has the possibilities of becoming a real threat to the United States’ geopolitical influence and financial strength around the world.


Undoubtably, there are some obstacles that need to be worked out. It’s not all smooth going, but there is some serious effort being exerted to challenge the western N.A.T.O. and E. U. and North American nations. And China, Russia, and Iran, with North Korea included, are a newaxis of power that have become the driving influential force behind this movement and it’s developing presence in and around the globe!


The links below will add some insight to your understanding and provide additional context as to the extent of this growing threat and how globalism is anything, but dead in the water! Anyone that try’s to tell you globalism is nothing more than a “gas-lighting conspiracy” doesn’t know what they’re talking about. All they’re doing is showing you how uninformed they are about these gigantically colossal, geopolitical rearrangements that are growing all around us!


Take some time and hit on the links below. They are designed to be informative and edifying as you view these prophetic developments from the “Wall you are Watching” from. Remember, stay prepared and take some time to discuss and warn your network of friends and family of the dangers and threats that lurk all around us! Sadly, America is the “bulls-eye” to collapse––that is what the globalist’s objective is––to eliminate, or at least paralyze the United States!!

 * (13 minute video)




The Holy Days are Progressive––They

Illustrate God’s Redemptive Plan


by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:


It is believed that the Holy Days are progressive in their design and tell the unfolding story of HOW God is accomplishing the “restitution of all things” unto Himself through Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, and Creator (Col. 1:9-17). Clearly, the Spring Holy Days are antitypes, shadows of realities that have already happened. They reflect the spiritual results of the actual events having occurred throughout the course of our present human history.


The current results, shadowed by Passover, Days of Unleavened Bread, and Pentecost, concern the establishment of the “process” by which God the Father instituted the “Propitiation” for substitutionary expiation. John wrote, “That whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal Life (substitutionary). For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish (punitive), but have everlasting life” (John 3:15-16). Jesus Continues and distinctly says, “And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world” (John 12:47). Undoubtedly, Jesus was admittedly well aware of His role as the Propitiation for SUBSTITUTIONARY  EXPIATION. The Apostle John openly taught this (1 John 2:1-2).


However, the Fall Holy Days remain to be seen! They are shadows of realities to come. They reflect actual events yet to occur (They are prophetic) as God proceeds to display His plan. But, in the broad sense and scope of the typology, judgment is central to these events, pictured by these four remaining Holy Days.They illustrate a time when God will shake the world with His wrath, punishing mankind and vindicating His Holy hegemony. “For thus says the Lord of hosts; Yet once it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts” (Haggai 2:6-6-7). The writer of Hebrews warns us, “See that you refuse not Him that speaks” ( Heb. 12:25-29). He is returning as a refiners fireand like fuller’s soap––He will execute the winepress of God Almighty (Rev. 14:18-20; 19:16-21)!


Both groups of Holy Days comprehensively cover the events that are foundational to the agenda God has engineered and is in progress of conducting. They plainly outline the method God is using to redeem mankind from sin and ERASE it from the presences of Him and those He has redeemed. Undeniably, the Fall Holy days demonstrate the “punitive” actions God has deemed necessary to execute against unrepentant sinners and ultimately Satan himself, who also remains unrepentant (Rev. 9:20-21; 112:18-19; 16:17-21; 20:7-10).


It is plainly understood the Spring Holy Days represent God’s method of “substitutionary” expiation, while the Fall Holy Days represent “punitive” expiation, resulting in the punishment of the unrepentant sinners, including Satan and his demons. Central to the Spring Holy Days is the shedding of blood. Christ’s shed blood “covers” our sins and as our propitiation assumes the blame (substitutionary) on our behalf, collecting it “ALL” on Him, but freeing us from the death penalty. In other words, He satisfied the death penalty for us! He died so we may live (Rom. 6). This is an encapsulated definition of “Substitutionary expiation.”


On the other hand, it is clearly understood the Fall Holy Days represent prophetic events yet to occur. These Holy Days represent the judgment and vindication of our Father and Lord, Jesus Christ. It illustrates their “justice” and that ultimately, without accepting the covering (propitiation) of sin offered by Christ’s sacrifice (shed blood); we are destined to atone for our own sins. We will be punished!


Therefore, whether we accept Jesus Christ or not, someone will atone for our personal sins. The Bible teaches us we have a choice and the day is now, for those who have accepted the calling. Choose life, by accepting Christ’s sacrifice for purification and cleansing. The “result” is eternal life as an immortal. Otherwise, we must pay (atone) for our own personal transgressions with our own lives and perish (Rom. 6:23). This is the encapsulated definition of “punitive expiation.”


The “typology” of the Day of Atonement is contextually “laser bean focused” on making the distinction of these two functions of “expiation.” And ultimately, because Satan and his minions are at the “foundation” of mankind’s sin (Gen. 3:1-15), he too is included; receiving his own suitable and justified punishment for all eternity (Rev. 20:10). Vengeance is God’s––He will be vindicated, and death and sin will exist no more––“O death where is your sting? O grave where is your victory” (1 Cor. 15:55)?



by: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

Considerations For the Feast of Trumpets 

Interestingly enough, when you consider the Holy Days of God, it doesn’t take long before one recognizes they are describing actual “sequential” events. Upon realizing this, most of us would agree, the Spring Holy Days are all fulfilled, while the Fall Holy Days remain yet to occur.


With a focus on the Fall Holy Days, specifically the commencement of Rosh Hashanah, a.k.a. The Feast of Trumpets, we understand the imaginary is that of war! The take away we get from the Fall Holy Days is God’s wrath is coming when Christ returns, and it will result in restraining Satan’s influence for a thousand years for the short term––but, after the second resurrection, he will permanently be separated from God’s Kingdom. This is Good News––it is central to the Gospel segment of just what the Kingdom of God is really all about.


The Bible is filled with all kinds of information about the End Times and what leads up to them. The Gospels, Prophets, and the book of Revelation all describe events that are key to recognizing certain sequences of events that will cause specific conditions, which will provide circumstances to accommodate the development of particular prophecies already written. One of those developments is the emergence of a Globalist Empire that will rule and influence most of the world––the Bible calls it Mystery Babylon The Great {Rev. 17:5}, or simply, “The Beast!”


Those “Watchers on The Wall” (Ezek. 33) that are awake are presently beginning to see the formation of a growing Global Tyranny {Dan. 7:23}! There are repeated patterns that find their way into the development of social structures that begin to generate the cycles that lead to this Totalitarian Collectivism. It’s common to observe expanded government, socialists ideologies that amalgamate large corporations to be used for government control; like censoring, and propaganda! Its the proverbial: “abandonment of individual merit for the sake of the state and the “greater good,”Marxism––not just economic, but also cultural–-and finally, the adoption of futurism.” (Ref. Fight The Power; by: Brandon Smith––Art. attached below)


This is what we’re currently up against in the United States! Since the Pandemic and so much disinformation and misinformation about both the virus and “jab,” illustrated this tactic very clearly over the duration of time the Pandemic was underway. Meta CEO and Facebook creator, Mark Zuckerberg, has finally admitted there were covert “behind the scene” pressures put upon them by the present Biden Administration to censor any COVID-19 technical information that contradicted the government narrative––This is now a known fact!


The admission of rigging algorithms to bury search results, shadow ban technical papers written by contrarian Doctors, or simply canceling people’s accounts, were all tactics used by Facebook, YouTube and other Social Medias. The information disclosed since Elon Musk bought Twitter (Now known as “X”) confirmed, they too were part of this “hiding” of information, contrary to the government narrative; but now, this same information is presently, making it’s way back into the Mainstream Media as substantiated facts that what originally was portrayed as a safe and effective “Jab,” fell short of their expectations!


So, whether it’s the U.K. Brazil, the E.U., or the USA and Canada, limiting “freedom of speech” is the first step in the globalist’s strategy. And the main target is the United States! These Marxists Elites know the USA is a major obstacle in preventing them to accomplish their Collective State (Rev. 17:9-14). Make no mistake, they will not stop in their attempts to neutralize and disarm the United States of America. When (not if) that happens we will enter into the Times of The Gentiles (Luke 21:24 & Dan 11:40-43 & 8:23-25)


SEPTEMBER 27, 2024 

By: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

Sealed Indictments Are Beginning To Open


For those of you that may not know about this fact, there are now over 450,000 Sealed Indictments, just in the USA. I remember some years ago in a sermon I mentioned there were, I think at that time, over 100,000 Sealed Indictments. But, interestingly and shockingly, the list has now grown in excess of over 450,000 Sealed Indictments! It’s unbelievable!!


These Sealed Indictments have been opening up on a regular basis over the last few years. Many have been opened and are now moving ahead in the form of court hearings and actual charges being brought against those named in the Indictments. Keep in mind also, there can be multiple individuals that can be included in any Indictment. So, the current number of Sealed Indictments is not necessarily representative of the actual amount of individuals they represent.


For instance, in the P. Diddy sealed  Indictment (see link below for complete indictment) that was recently opened and executed, resulting in P. Diddy’s arrest; it included a Racketeering charge among the sex trafficking, prostitution, and kidnapping charges. However, this Racketeering charged disclosed he had an “Enterprise” that was designed and managed by a staff of people and employees to facilitate and arrange for the travel of victims and sex workers, hotel rooms, stocked with drugs, baby oil, and an array of lubricants and extra linens, guns and ammo. These associates of P. Diddy’s are also going to be investigated as ancillary individuals that participated, conspired, and may be culpable to a degree, of helping to plan and conduct this abusively criminal business enterprise.


The “known fact” that P.Diddy video’d his visitors, victims, and friends engaging in sex acts, sometimes without their knowledge, gave him leverage to exert control over certain individuals for selfish-gain and his own protection. He also used private recordings that he made during his “Freak- Offs” parties as collateral to ensure obedience and /or silence from his victims. His arrest has resulted in dozens of victims and witnesses coming forward, providing detailed and credible and corroborated information that confirm many of P.Diddy’s actions are indeed, real and seriously unconscionable!


In the recent days after his arrest and incarceration, law-inforcement has conducted interview after interview, about 50 or so since his capture, and the numbers are growing along with a major amount of resignations of important and well known people throughout the entertainment, business, finance, and political communities. (Ref. Blog, dated:9-20-24)


So, in the coming weeks there will be more developments about “who’s, who” with the P.Diddy scandal; and time will tell as to just what kind of people these people are, who attended his “freak offs, ” and are caught “embarrassingly compromised," by means of the video they may be on! Stay tuned, we should find out shortly as to who was involved with victimizing so many of those innocently, and not so innocently, attending those parties!



By: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:


Pastors Are Being Censored Unknowingly

I recently read an article by Caroline Woods (attached below) that was rather interesting, especially since I have been accused of being “political” more times than I can count. There are people today that think the pulpit should be exclusively reserved to address the Bible and only the Bible. They claim, to use the pulpit to address social issues, underscored by the Bible, is wrong and is out of order. That those pastors, should simply remain on point and only speak on Christian Living––stay away from social issues! But, is this true?

 Interestingly, American history is full of “lightening-rod” speakers that “lit up” the people of America to rise above the social morass and enjoy a revival of attachment to Christ and our Father. Keep in mind, those who shrink back in “cowardice” from addressing the issue’s of our day forget; it’s not the Church that has become political, but rather, politics has become more excessive in violating our religion and God’s Church needs to stand firm and show our people their sins (Isa 58:1). 

 Clearly, the “Black Robs” of the revolutionary war that were instrumental in motivating the men of the revolution to fight for their freedom and liberty of separation from Great Britain were a courageous bunch! The thundering preachers of the Great Awakening of the 18th century, like George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and Thomas Prince were of the same breed. In the 19th Century was the 2nd Great Awakening, lead by some of the most courageous men of that time; men like James McGrady, John McGee, and Barton Stone. Later on, in the late 19th century men like Dwight L. Moody and Charles Finney, lead the way for the 20th century revivalists such as Reuben Torrey, Billy Sunday and later on Billy Graham.

 These were men that spoke to the issues of the day. They wrote books that articulated the down side of how the Social Issues negatively influenced the affects of our Christian culture and spoke to those issues.

 As we know, this lead to the LBJ amendment (passed in 1954) that attempted to limit these alleged “political” topics by the government threatening to cancel the tax exempt status of the churches; and sadly, to the shame of some Christian Churches they fell for it and attempted to censor their pastors to stay away from speaking out to the sins of the nation and the leaders of those nations.

 Look, Jesus was not afraid to speak to the issues of His day. He over-threw tables in the Temple, called the Pharisees vipers, hypocrites, and blind guides. He minced no words–-even to the point of calling Herod a fox––meaning; he was cunning, sly, and unclean! 

 At this time, above all other times, Christians need to be Brave, Bold, and Courageous. As was William Wilberforce who led the movement against the slave trade in England; or, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor and theologian who stood up against the Nazi regime’s atrocities of the day! These are the kind of examples of Christian Courage that God’s Church needs to see and rise to the occasion; because if we don’t, who will be the “Wall-Watchers” of our nation?



By: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

P. Diddy––Busted; and Hollywood is cringing.

As many of us know, Sean “Diddy” Combs (a.k.a.-P. Diddy) has been arrested and indicted with sex trafficking, prostitution, kidnapping, bribery, obstruction of justice, and racketeering charges. This “secret Indictment,” which is just one, of hundred of thousands still remaining, has opened up a “can of worms.” This event has the size and scope of becoming another version of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, except with one major difference; Jeffrey Epstein had an attraction for women and under-aged girls, whereas P. Diddy seems to have a penchant for men and under-aged boys.

The potential of this event “escalating in disclosures” of many very rich, popular, and well-respected leaders in the field of business, music, sports, entertainment, and politics is palpable! This indictment has “implications” of incriminating many successful entertainers, business leaders, and politicians by revealing their very horrifically sick and perverse activities that were secretly filmed with adults and children––some so young that they are considered toddlers!

Lebron James is quoted as saying; “Hey, everybody know, ain’t no party like a Diddy party” –– and he would know––since he is also “suspected by association” as an attendee to these drug-fueled “Freak off” orgy parties with underaged women. The debauchery that took place was unbelievable and everything was filmed from different angles that seemed impossible for a camera to be placed. In some of the footage you can hear P. Diddy saying nefarious comments to a young Justin Bieber; or in 2016 Howard Stern interviewed Usher who revealed unsettling and disturbing details about P. Diddy when living with him at age 14. But this is how P. Diddy controlled, coerced, and manipulated many of the high profile individuals he interacted with.

His circle of friends include popular names like Will Smith, Ashton Kutcher and Cuba Gooding Jr. Demi Moore, and these are just a few of the many names on his list he had relationships with and/or business partnerships,––like billionaire investor Ron Burkle and hedge fund manager, Ray Dalio. Even Mark Wahlberg partnered with Diddy to launch a drinking water brand. And that’s not all––Barack Obama was known to “hang” with Diddy after leaving the Presidency.

This has also led to a rash of resignations by many business leaders that may have had some association with P. Diddy––all within a 24 hour period (Link below for additional information by CNN). Men like, Kevin Liles (Music executive), Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts), Robert B. Davis (G.M. of Martha’s Vineyard), to mention a few. And clearly, if they are “performing” on any of these “Black-Mail” video’s, it’s understandable they would want to take opportunity for an early retirement and disappear into the “wood-work.” Frankly, more than half of Hollywood is probably “sweating bullets,” knowing they might be on one or more of those movie videos.

Look, everyone knows, “caged birds” will sing and often times that will attract more attention and in this case, we hope; more caged birds! So, we will see if he survives while in jail because coincidently, he is in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center, which housed Jeffery Epstein and his partner, Ghislaine Maxwell. So, stay tuned, as this ongoing saga continues to unfold with additional disclosures of P. Diddy’s abusive perverted lifestyle and perhaps, enormous career destroying embarrassment, for those participants, in this evil and depraved degeneracy!



By: Bill Watson

Direct Comments to:

Presidential Candidate Trump

targeted again for assassination!!


Just yesterday, on September 15th, 2024, a few months from the assassination attempt in Butler P.A., Former President Trump was targeted again for assassination. Shots rang out on the golf course in Florida, where Candidate Trump was playing a round of golf.

Apparently, a Mr. Ryan Wesley Routh, 58 years old, originally from North Caroline, but presently living in Hawaii, is currently an active American mercenary who is committed to fighting with the Ukrainian army’s resistance to Russia’s invasion. In an interview conducted in 2022 for Newsweek, we gain some insight by his he admission he was involved in some combat and recruiting soldiers to help with the Ukrainian resistance against Russia.

 In this interview he mentions how disappointed he is that more people are not motivated to help Ukraine with their struggle against the Russians. He is aggressively compelled to help Ukraine in its war and is extremely frustrated more people are not recognizing what he believes to be Russian expansionism.

 With the knowledge of Candidate Trump’s “policy position” of peace for the area, Routh, now suspected of attempting to assassinate Candidate Trump, was concerned if Trump wins the election, the possibility of a peace accord may be achieved––which is something he does not want to see happen. Mr. Routh firmly believes what is happening in Ukraine is a war against evil. For him it’s obviously black and white––democracy is at stake––and Russia is threatening to destroy that democracy!

 In his mind, there is no question about what needs to be done––Russia needs to be stopped––he admits, this to be the most important thing in the world. He cannot understand why more people are not responding to volunteer to fight and support the Ukrainians!

 The interview link below will help you understand where his mind is and why he may have been motivated to attempt to take former President Trump out. It becomes apparent that because his passion is so great and is not shared by thousands of others; he is enormously frustrated and disappointed over this lack of people, in his opinion, just selfishly going about their lives, rather than being compelled to help Ukraine fight Russia.

 This is quite an interesting interview and may provide some understanding as to why he thought assassinating Former President Trump was necessary for accomplishing his mission to stop Russia’s advances into Ukraine. However, it appears to be clear, Mr. Routh does not want peace in that theater of war––instead, he wants a world war!

How To Be A Real Christian